Hi all! I have a bit of an influx in my boxes from breeding binges, so I'm offering them all up to you guys. :)
They are all located
HERE, because I've just been shoving them all in a list so I didn't have to do it all at once.
(I would have posted with togekiss, but it hasn't been cleared to post, so I'm posting with this account! 8|)
Pokemon available are Eevee, Togepi, Absol, Yamask, and a few Charmander, Durant, Poliwag, Teddiursa, and Tyrunt! And also 3 Mystery eggs!
I will be Available at any time, basically. (If my phone actually alerts me to my emails, I will be around anywhere from ~30 minutes afterwards!)
If you have AIM and want to contact me faster, I can be reached via pandamonious17; if not, I would prefer you just post here on this thread instead of making me go back and forth to check for comments! :)
I am also in
Mountain Standard Time, to clear up any possible time-zone differences!
I would also prefer some variety in fodder, if available, instead of just the same old junk! (If unavoidable then it doesn't matter!)
My names are Panda/IG: Kimi - 4441 - 9865 - 8526