I have an array of starter pokemon with penta perfect IVs, mostly beneficial natures, abilities and move sets.
Some are practically capable of out of the gate fighting and others need some better moves.
Shorthand significant list redundant information withheld
Bulbasaur N-Modest, A-Chlorophyll 31/XX/31/31/31/31 Giga Drain
Charmander N-Naughty, A-Solar Power 31/31/31/31/XX/31 Dragon Dance/Dragon Pulse
Charmander N-Jolly, A-Blaze 31/31/31/XX/31/31 Dragon Dance/Dragon Rush/Outrage/Crunch
Squirtle N-Modest, A-Rain Dish 31/XX/31/31/31/31 Aura Sphere/Dragon Pulse
Cyndaquil N-Modest 31/XX/31/31/31/31 Flare Blitz/Quick Attack
Totodile N-Adamant 31/31/31/XX/31/31 Ice Punch/Aqua Jet/Dragon Dance
Treecko N-Rash 31/31/31/31/XX/31 Dragon Breath/Synthesis
Torchic N-Jolly, A-Speed Boost 31/31/31/XX/31/31 Baton Pass
Mudkip N-Brave 31/31/31/31/31/XX Ice Ball/Avalanche/Curse
Chimchar N-Jolly, A-Iron Fist 31/31/31/XX/31/31 Thunder Punch/Quick Guard/Fire Punch
Piplup N-Quiet 31/31/31/31/31/XX Hydro Pump/Feather Dance/Agility/Yawn
Tepig N-Naughty 31/31/31/31/XX/31 Sucker Punch/Superpower
Chespin N-Impish, A-Bulletproof 31/31/31/XX/31/31 Spikes/Synthesis
Froakie N-Timid, A-Protean 31/XX/31/31/31/31
(Glenn) 0602 - 6270 - 1955
Long detailed list is at
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ao841RrknQdzdFdZOUlpVlA1T0pYS09tMDhUc1VTZHc&usp=sharing Though Not all Pokemon are for trade though (This is mostly my bank) anything uncolored is up for grabs