Hi everyone! I recently derped and decided on a whim to restart Black from scratch after a long hiatus, which of course affected the Dream World as well. Eep. I've got a new account and am slowly building up Dream Points (I'm up to 1380, woo), but for now I've got a hankerin' for some Dream World pokes unavailable to me atm. I don't mind if they're bred, just that they have their DW ability and are female. I intend to breed an army.
Dratini (Marvel Scale)/Dragonair (Marvel Scale)/ Dragonite (Multiscale)
Bagon (Sheer Force)/Shelgon (Overcoat)/Salamence (Moxie)
Gible/Gabite/Garchomp (Rough Skin)
Feebas (Adaptability)/Milotic (Cute Charm)
Natu/Xatu (Magic Bounce)
Growlithe/Arcanine (Justified)
Marill/Azumarill (Sap Sipper)
(Might add some more later, once I read over the lists again.)
In return I have:
--Female Bulbasaur
--Several Gible with Iron Head, Body Slam, Dragon Claw, and Earthquake with the ability to breed more, including specific natures
--An extra Lucky Egg
--Synchronize'd Munna of almost every nature, so I can grab you a specific poke (perferrably catchable in-game, but I can also use my AR to generate only that species to make it go quicker, just ask)
--A Ditto with a perfect Sp. Attack IV
--I'm almost done with the Unova Dex, just need to evolve some things and get legendaries. Need something, just ask and I'll see if I can get it.
Also need dex data for Victini, Rufflet, Braviary, Thundurus, Zekrom, and Keldeo, so tradebacks would be great.
Maia \\ 0691 3582 9582 (Black)