Hi all,
Now that I am officially on my holiday (yay!), I want to do my best to obtain a shiny through the Masuda method. I need a female, non-North American Roggenrolla and Larvesta, and a male Axew and Audino (I have some high hopes and serious patience, one of these will be a shiny, lol) to get started
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And since I offered them up, you're welcome to whatever of the pokemon I posted above you want. :)
My FC is Nebula | 2752 0450 2863
I feel a little stingy, but I'd love Eevee, Lapras, and Sunkern. I'll add you and hop on in as soon as I can get my DS up and running.
I'll do the same then :D
You know, I always wondered if there was an order to how you do things in a trade. Does it work better when the first person in opens the trade? Better with chat off? Better if you sit in a different area? Better if you wait until the other trading person shows up? XD I think way too hard about this.
I think whoever's in first is fine for me, but I'm not on the up and up with regard to trade etiquette. I do, however, like voice chat off. The trades seem to go much smoother that way, I think. In your game I don't think it matters which terminal you go to, but how many people are in your pal pad.
Thanks kindly for the trade! I think for sure the Roggenrolla is from France, it's French for 'Roggenrolla,' lol. I haven't found any translations for the other names, if there are any, but no matter because they're great! Thanks! ♥
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