Hey there guys! I got bored yesterday and bred a bunch of Bulbasaurs! I've got 4 3 Dratinis and 2 Torchics to give away. Some of them are named, but they can be renamed on request.
Bulbasaurs - All of these are level 1. They know the following attacks: Tackle, Giga Drain, Leaf Strom and Petal Dance
Female | Sassy | Proud of it power
Florus - Male | Jolly | Quick to flee
Male | Brave | Good Perseverance
Hideki - Male | Calm | Good Endurance
Juniper - Female | Relaxed | Good Endurance
Narcisuss - Male | Relaxed | Capable of taking hits
Daichi - Male | Bashful | Quick to flee (Reserved for
burningwhisper )
Dratini - All are level 1 with the Shed Skin Ability. The all know Wrap. Leer and Thunder Wave
Ryuu - Male | Quiet | Likes to Relax
Morgana - Female | Timid | Michevious
Ferio - Male | Lax | Michevious
Frionel - Male | Hasty | A little quick tempered
Torchic - They are Level 1. They know the moves: Scartch, Growl, WIll-o-Wisp and Shadow Claw
Ares - Male | Impish | Likes to thrash about
Ares - Male | Jolly | Proud of it power (Hey, I have a thing with namimg Pokemon after mythical figures)
While fodder is fine, if you have anything on my wish list, I'd be super happy
Charmander (If male named Ares)
Mudkip plz
Chimchar (possibly)
Anything else from previous Generations
Items I'm looking for:
Evolutionary Stones (Specifically Dusk and Thunder Stones)
TinyMushroom, Big Mushroom ie money making Items
Any other Gen 5 items
FC: 1034 0681 9760
Status: Online!