Hi, I don't have a lot to offer but I just started White [only three badges into the game and all~] and I was hoping to breed some Pokemon, so I'd love a Ditto to help make that happen. Does anyone have a Ditto I could have? I don't care about nature or anything like that; I'd be more than happy with whatever I got.
Or if someone can help me move a ditto from my SS or something I'd be fine with that, too. If there is something you want in return let me know and I'll see what I can do~ :) I have many things, such a shinies, legendaries, and shiny legendaries on my SS cart, so trust me; if you want something I can probably deliver if you're willing to help me out.
Thank you so much!
White FC: 4341 1759 9631
I'm online now~
I no longer need a ditto thanks to the lovely
musa_winxfairy! Expect a starter giveaway from me sometime soon now haha~