Hey Guys!
I'm looking to finish up my living dex, I'm about 30-ish pokemon short of having all (current) 493!!
So! if I can breed it for you... I will! And I will definately breed anything I can for fodder if people need stuff, as I like to trade.
But I'm hoping to get the following pokemon:
Duskull x2
Hitmontop - thanks rosehiptea!
Lileep - thanks rostatic!
Lunatone - thanks senri!
Munchlax - thanks senri!
Qwilfish - thanks senri!
Rotom x5
Seviper - thanks senri!
Snorunt x3 - thaanks eckren!
Torkoal - thanks senri!
Wailmer x2 - thanks eidolon_nights!
Zangoose - thanks mizu_kanon!
Those are non-legendary I'd like. If it's not on that list I will breed it for ya!
Legendary Trades are
WANT - please legit pokemon only. Clones are fine as long as the original was not hacked.
Arceus - thanks mizu_kanon!!
Giratina - thanks maeveth!
Jirachi - thanks chromaticrose! :D
the following legendaries are extras I picked up from pokemon events. They are all legit, and none are clones.
Shiny Raikou x2 x1
Shiny Entei x2
Shiny Suicune x1
(time travel) Celebi x2
status: ONLINE on and off! Just leave a msg and I'll get back to you!
FC: MIKOR 3181 4807 2593