Looking for Regi-shinies

Jan 05, 2011 00:38

Hi all, I've been gone ages busy with real life, but I'm back to ask for a favor or two.

I need the following to complete my collection:
- Shiny Regice
- Shiny Registeel
- Shiny Regirock

What I have to offer:
All other shiny legendaries from gens I - IV, and all non-shiny legendaries from gens I - IV

Not all of them are legit, but they wont mess up your game or anything. What you get will be a clone; though in some cases I have more than one, and you can pick which one you'd like. This being said, I don't care if the ones I'm asking for are clones or whatnot as long as they look legit enough and wont hurt my game. If you have one but don't want to give it up I'd be happy to clone it and then give it back, as well as let you keep whatever we traded, so you'd basically get a free legendary. You can just give me fodder after I get a clone of it and give it back.
Either way, though, if cloning or AR use bothers you you probably shouldn't take me up on any of these just in case and for your own peace of mind.

I also have misc shinies that aren't legendaries, so if you'd rather have one of the following that's fine too:
- Various Minun and Pusle. I caught a bunch of shiny ones awhile ago [only hack used was to make them show up shiny, so all their stats and such haven't been messed with.], so I have various genders and natures. Feel free to ask if I have anything specific.
- Charmander x3
- Lapras x3
- Pontya x2
- Ekans x2
- Vulpix x2
- Chikorita
- Bulbasaur
- Totadile
- Squirtle
- Cyndaquil
- Clampearl
- Porygon
- Zubat
- Corsola
- Aerodactyl
- Clefairy
- Chingling
- Paras
- Polywag
- Venonat
- Noctowl
- Quagsire x2

Feel free to ask for stats/details on any legendaries or misc [some are nicknamed and some aren't UT and such; if you don't ask I'm going to assume you don't care about specifics and just want it for your collection or whatever like I do] but this is basically first come first serve, so, yeah.

Oh, and I really want those three pokemon, so I'll trade multiples for any. The only stipulation is you must trade the one(s) I want first and then fodder after. Sorry, this is just the easiest way to keep people from running off. I don't think any of you would, you're all pretty awesome, but if you're honest then this shouldn't even be an issue.

Emiko // 1076 3048 2928

I'll be back on tomorrow~
Oh, and I'd prefer the sound off, simply since I never bother to turn my volume on or anything, but if you want to listen to my music or whatever you don't have to turn voice chat off; it's not a big deal or anything.

Thanks! ♥

shiny legendary, legendaries, tradeback, trade, shiny, legendary request

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