Oct 15, 2010 13:59
Hey guys,
I have a huge request. I'm looking for a female Togepi, preferably low level and the move set doesn't matter.
I've restarted my diamond and don't have many good things to offer in it except low level Sinnoh Pokémon (Starly, Shinx, Bidoof) but I'd be willing to do a trade from my Soul Silver, from which I can offer one of the following: Totodile, Chimchar, Cyndaquil, Turtwig, Chikorita, Piplup, Treecko, Skitty, Ralts, Houndour, or Electrike.
User Name: Kah
User Code: 2794 6687 6451
I'll be on and off all day but checking in frequently.