This is my first giveaway, and I thought I'd give out some of my favorite Pokemon! I have a bunch of elemental fang Shinx, a few Chimchars, some Eevees with Flail and Iron Tail, and Ekans eggs! All are renamable, and one per species except Shinx, you can take two of those, if you feel so inclined. Fodder is great for these guys, because I love ID numbers, and even more so if they're nicknamed, but if you're feeling really generous, I do have a wishlist. BUT SERIOUSLY NICKNAMED FODDER IS WONDERFUL
All know Fire Fang, Thunder Fang, Ice Fang, and Crunch. This is basically my favorite Pokemon ever, and if you can connect the names, you can have my hand in marriage SOMETHING COOl idk no one's gonna guess these anyways... BUT PLEASE TAKE THEM because I have a lot...
Robert|Intimidate|Lax|Quick to flee
Frank|Intimidate|Jolly|Very finicky
Linus|Intimidate|Lax|Good endurance
Edward|Intimidate|Timid|Alert to sounds Reserved for
Haakon|Intimidate|Mild|Alert to sounds
Niels|Intimidate|Careful|Highly curious
Joe|Intimidate|Rash|Quick to flee
Leo|Rivalry|Timid|Alert to sounds
Otto|Rivalry|Modest|Alert to sounds
Enrico|Rivalry|Hasty|Thoroughly cunning
Julius|Rivalry|Sassy|Sturdy body
Kitty|Rivalry|Quiet|Quick to flee
Jean|Rivalry|Relaxed|Highly curious
Toni|Rivalry|Sassy|Proud of its power
Ruth|Rivalry|Bold|Quick to flee
Jackie|Rivalry|Impish|Sturdy body
Arline|Rivalry|Mild|Strong willed
Katherine|Rivalry|Quiet|Highly curious
Gertrude|Rivalry|Modest|Quick to flee
Eleanor|Rivalry|Timid|Often dozes off
Dorothy|Rivalry|Lonely|Highly curious
Priscilla|Rivalry|Calm|Proud of its power
Edith|Rivalry|Calm|Somewhat vain
Puening|Intimidate|Serious|Proud of its power
Lise|Intimidate|Quiet|Highly curious
Ella|Intimidate|Lonely|Likes to run
Marie|Intimidate|Impish|Capable of taking hits
All male, know Scratch, Rock Climb, Fire Blast, and Leer, with the ability Blaze.
Arya|Modest|Strong willed
CHIMCHAR|Hasty|Strong willed
Cholly|Gentle|Strong willed
CHIMCHAR|Mild|Strong willed
Zaboo|Naughty|Strong willed
HIM|Mild|Strong willed
Babu|Lax|Impetuous and silly
CHIMCHAR|Quiet|Somewhat stubborn
Know Tail Whip, Helping Hand, Flail, and Iron Tail.
Envy|Adaptability|Relaxed|Likes to run
Radon|Adaptability|Bold|Likes to fight
Nick|Adaptability|Gentle|Highly curious
Gluttony|Adaptability|Relaxed|Often dozes off
Wolfram|Adaptability|Brave|Loves to eat
Tungsten|Adaptability|Calm|Capable of taking hits
Phil|Adaptability|Naive|Likes to run
Alphonse|Run Away|Gentle|Very finicky
Winry|Run Away|Impish|Likes to fight
Rhenium|Run Away|Docile|Sturdy body
My friend code is KIWIA, 1419 7235 1438
And I have 15 Ekans eggs on my HeartGold, the friend code for that is 0775 6564 1311.
crisps Other shinies
SS/Pearl exclusives
Lucky Egg
For someone with an AR to tell me my SID
Shiny, Dusk, and Dawn stones
I'm around pretty much all the time, so just leave a comment and I'll get back to you! Currently ONLINE, and still have a lot left!