Sep 02, 2009 20:12

EDIT: Of course, LJ eats my first post.

I went on a reasonless breeding spree recently, and since Eevee is my favorite Pokemon, you can reap the spoils. xD

Male x 60
0Female x 10

I also have four Cleffas UFT.

Junpei ( Male )
Belldandy ( Female )
Fuuka ( Female )
Yukari ( Female )

All the babies are at level one.

All the Eevees know Tail Whip, Tackle, Helping Hand, and Double Team.
The Cleffas know Pound and Charm.

Nothing too special, but they're looking for good homes. The Eevees are all various Natures, so if you're looking for one in particular, just ask. However, if you give me fodder for the males or Cleffas, please don't give me Bidoofs. ( I'm far more likely to raise Magikarp, espescially if you slap a random nickname on it. )

I'll ask for something moderately rare for the femaales, but use your own discretion.

However, I'm specifically looking for a male Carnivine with Impish or Rash nature. Nickname him Twoie, and I'll love you forever. : 3

Friend code: 0517 3164 1241
Name: Fanta Hit me wit da' offers.

huge, eevee, cleffa, carnivine, trading, trade

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