Taken care of

Mar 26, 2009 12:25

So earlier I posted how I was looking for a specific gible and wailmer, but now I have decided that it would probably be faster and better if I just had someone edit my pokemon for me since I desperatly need these guys. My plat game is taunting me cause I cannot start it until I  have my full starting team. It would be AWESOME if someone was nice enough to just do this for me since I will mostlikely be giving you the wailmer and gible to edit so no one has to go get one, but if you would like something in return I have pokemon I can give you.

Pokemon I need:

Wailmer Brave Nature Low Level about level 10-20 ish *preferably girl, if not thats fine*  likes to-eat, sleep, relax ect
Gible Naughty nature Low Level about level 10-20 ish likes to- run (or any other likes that will boost speed)

I have these in return:

Flareon Lv 1 naive male
Totodile lv 1 bold male
Totodile lv 1 impish male
Totodile lv 12 sassy male
Cyndiquil lv 1 mild male
Charmander lv 22  timid female *knows fire blast ember dragon rage and scary face)
Bunery lv 20 sassy male
Lots of Vulpix all lv 1 all girls
Lots of Wailmers boys and girls all lv 1
Gible lv 1 timid male
Maril lv 5 careful male
Eevee lv 16 careful male 
Raichu Lv 100 calm female *will trade only for both pokemon on my list*

Shiny pokemon I can trade *will trade one shiny for both gible and wailmer edit*:
Shiny Charmander lv 22 male Hardy nature
Shiny shinx named minie lv 3 female docile
Shiny Loopuny lv 41 male careful nature

I would REALLY apreciate the help, and thanks so much! :D

wailmer, gible, edit, help

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