Yeah, you heard me...ELECTION THEMED! Let's get going with this then. First, the rules...
1) You may have one pro and one con each... so two of one species or one of each species, but I wanna keep a good variety for everyone to pick through.
2) I WILL rename, but you gotta ask for it...I'm not going to ask you.
3) Post your friendcode in TEXT FORM. If your friendcode is an image (icon, card, ect.) you may add to your reply with the typed-out code. I know how it is with not being able to remember your own friendcode off hand.
4) Don't rant at me about how I'm soooooo biased and mean and stupid...I personally don't care for politics and had to have other people help me remember who's who in what parties and stuff like that. Just grab your political-preference and go have fun with it.
5) Please have your fodder ready when you comment, or at least be able to go quick-ball something real quick...
6) PLEASE tell me which one you want... more specific than "OH OH OH A SHINY ONE!"
Now, on to the give away. They are all shiny, and made so because I used an Action Replay to make them hatch that way. The parents were legit, the egg moves are legit, I still had to run around for hours and hours to breed and hatch these buggers. So they are SEMI-LEGIT!
First up... Republicans!
evolves to --->
All Lvl.1
Pro-Republican: Moveset: Ancient Power, Ice Shard, Earthquake, Protect
JohnMcCain: Male, Relaxed, Alert to sounds
ANTI-REPUBLICAN: Moveset: Tackle, Growl, Defense curl, Snore
Perino: Female, Rash, Quick tempered
Condoleeza: Female, Bold, Alert to sounds
Laura Bush: Female, Brave, Alert to sounds
PHANPY (default/unnamed): Male, Mild, Highly curious
And now the Democrats!
All Lvl.1
Pro-Democrat: Moveset: Growl, Confusion, Future Sight, ... ...Theif (I'm giving them all heart scales so you can get rid of thief if you like) {hatched at Floaroma Meadow]
:) Hope :) : Female, Timid, Often dozes off
Michelle: Female, Adamant, Very finicky
Hillary: Female, Hasty, A little quick tempered
deafault named: Male, Careful, Very finicky
ANTI-DEMOCRAT: Moveset: Growl, Confusion, Wish, Facade {Hatched at Fuego Ironworks}
OsamaObama: Male, Jolly, Often dozes off
J. Wright: Male, Gentle, Proud of its power
deafault name: Male, Relaxed, Sturdy Body
Can you tell I had a hard time with the Girafarigs? They turned out such a mess....
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Status:Gone...might be back tomorrow afternoon...