oops look at this, another n

Jul 20, 2011 06:56

Hello hello! I'm not new to this game, this is just a new character! I also play tinylord, and I'm bringing forth from the depths of early morning thinking into existence an N with amnesia.

You'll find out why through interacting with him and, in time, bringing back memories of not only what happened, but help him find out who he is. Because he doesn't even know. The separate post in his journal from the one below will slowly fill up with information, sort of like a diary for himself to help keep track of what he remembers, as well as serving as a guide for you fine folk to join along and see where this takes us.

Long and short of what I have in this post (though it's quite short itself!) is that N, while he can't even remember his name, trusts his feelings and gut instinct about people he will meet on this island.

Black and White Protags, he will feel amiable and trusting towards you both even if he's not quite sure who you are, why or how you know him. and why he's so friendly and comforting around a stranger.

Ghetsises (Ghetsi?), he will feel very very conflicted, as he's past the end of the game and knows about your ulterior motives. Not that he can remember them or who you are, of course. Or Team Plasma.

Pokemon? Pokemon, he will feel friendly and trusting to you as well! Again, not that he knows why, or even what your species is anymore, but he also can still understand you, a far off reaching memory of a time he could, and this puzzles him.

He has just one Pokemon with him - Reshiram - because at some point of time prior to losing his identity and memory, he allowed the others to go free, yet still asked Reshiram to fly with him to find the Truths of other regions and the like. Reshiram, while not normally caring about humans after spending thousands of years sleeping in Dragonspiral Tower in the form of a Stone, feels partially that it is its fault N is like this, and thus has made it its mission to help restore his memory. The guilt, it is overflowing.

tl;dr n, amnesia, who the hell are you, why do i know you, by the way where am i, regain memories, feelings, let's get this ball a rolling

I will be posting when it is more light outside and more people have a chance of being on! So, I guess, sometime later in the morning? Hahaha. Ha. complete lie no one take note of this doot doot doot /posts to that mingle post instead B)

this is slightly important, fuck yeah unova, hell to the damn yes, the deal of it is this, i has a new character

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