The aptly-named Mystery Event

Jun 18, 2011 08:18

Also the HTML in that codebox is all futzed up and if I knew how to fix it I would. :|a sorry about that, too. FIXED))

Awesome Island. It's not a place of stability or tranquility, but there is at least some certainty about its whims. Certainty in uncertainty?

....this place is weird.

Let's use the word "familiarity". Yes, that works much more nicely. There is a familiarity about the island, even after spending only a day upon it. But that familiarity is about to be upheaved, in a way that none would expect....

On the night of the 26th, the Island's residents will all dream a very peculiar dream.

Let's take a moment to determine their dream's contents, shall we?

Character: Mun: Usual tagging hours: (Please convert to GMT/UST!) Aah. Hello, little one. It seems you have fallen into this world...but do not worry. It is a very nice world, and I will make sure that no harm comes to you here. Hmm? You want to return to where you came from? ...ahaha. I suppose I can show you the way out, then. It will not be easy, and I may have to make some slight alterations.... Speaking of alterations, I would like to know some things about you. First of all...what is your name? {[NAME HERE]} Would you call yourself a fighter, a defender, or a supporter? {Fighter} {Defender} {Supporter} How do you feel about teamwork? {It's vital!} {Who needs it?} {I can work that way if I have to.} Where would you most like to live? {In a forest.} {By the seaside.} {In a desert.} What kind of food do you like best? {Meat} {Fruits and vegetables} {Sweets!} We're almost there. I have just two more questions. If you were to become a Pokemon, what sort of quest would you set out on? {An epic quest!} {A funny quest!} {Huh? I'm already a Pokemon!} And what sort of Pokemon do you think you would be? {[POKEMON], definitely!} {I might be...[POKEMON]? Or maybe [POKEMON]...} {I just told you, I'm a [POKEMON]!} {I really don't know! What do you think?} I see. That is very interesting. But I'm afraid this will be the end of our chat; here, see? It is your island. We have made it back safely, like I said we would. It was very nice talking to you, little one. Now go ahead and wake up. I will see you very soon!

For each character that will be participating in the event, take a moment to answer the mysterious voice's questions. The last two questions are to help Tyr...I mean, the mysterious voice set them on their destiny, and can reflect the mun's preferences.

For the last question, LAST-STAGE POKEMON ARE NOT AN OPTION. Pokemon with only one evolutionary level are valid - Pokemon that were once a final form but have since gained new evolutions are NOT. LEGENDARIES AND LEGENDARY GIJINKAS HAVE TO CHANGE SPECIES. Normal gijinka can do whatever the hell they want, but will be locked to a Pokemon form during this event. If you have the perfect species in mind, choose the first option. If your character is already a Pokemon and would like to stay the way they are, choose the third option. Otherwise, Ty...the mysterious voice will help you to choose something perfectly appropriate or perfectly inappropriate, depending on your answer to the second-to-last question.

What, exactly, does this dream mean? Characters will find out when they wake up on the morning of the 27th. Good luck, dream-walkers!

Muns, on the other hand, can read on for an explanation.

Upon waking from this bizarre dream, participants will find themselves lying in a field in the CMA...and much smaller and less human than usual. They will find with them a peculiar badge, the back inscribed with a name which matches ONE other badge in the area...

Luckily, the MYSTERIOUS VOICE will be present to helpfully explain away any confusion. The long and short of it is that there have been some unexpected "alterations", both to the island and some of its inhabitants. But don't worry, it'll be cleared up soon! And while it's being worked on, why not have a little adventure?

There's so much to do in these amazing "dungeons" - find treasure, rescue lost Pokemon, battle monsters! And in teams, you can make it a competition and race one another to the delightfully shiny goal, or even help one another out in a quest for the treasure of a lifetime....but who says you have to be limited to mere exploring? Why not aim to take on the most vicious challenges and bring home legendary relics? Why not take your chances with raid-stealing and underhanded techniques...?

Teams will be declared Friday, June 25th, and the 26th is to be used for planning and any requested changes to species or team details.

event announcement

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