This should have been up on Monday

Apr 08, 2011 19:45

Blame SPPf being trolled to the ninth degree. Oh the joys of modding two places.

That's what I think of dem trolls.

OKAY SO ANYWAYS MOVING ON. First things first, a massive thank you and well done to Ran, who was left to solo the recently finished Silent Hills event to perfection. You did a great job and managed to keep up with those tags... and judging by the many entries, it was an event very well received. I salute you. /does so

Which brings me to the main point of this entry... EVENTS, or rather...

Some time ago (( Read "some time ago" as "my last event suggestion post" )), Ri asked me whether or not it could be possible to bring back the Aging Event for a third time as she joined around the time that the second coming of it (( Last April, ironically )) started. At the time I said that it would be something I'd need to ask the rest of the playerbase; sure, we have a lot of newcomers but we also have a lot of veterans who may tire of seeing the same thing over and over and over and... yeah I'll shut up. Plus I know Aging 2.0 got a lukewarm reception.

But then it got me thinking. We have had a lot of events in PD over the near three year course, some of which haven't been done for a considerable amount of time. Under the cut lies brief details of seven of them, as well as a poll. If you could vote on which events you would like to see return to PD that would truly be :awesome:... and those with a significant amount of votes I'll be sure to add to PD's event calendar during the rest of 2011. Whether it's just the one, whether it's three or whether it's all seven... let's see.

Feel free to spam this entry with any general comments, questions and feedback as well. I'LL DO MY BEST TO ANSWER IN MY USUAL TO-THE-POINT WAY. 8)

/cracks knuckles, sips tea and gets the truck on with it

Capslock Friday: Last happened mid 2008. It happened as a weekend event in which those who "Lapslocked" had to post a cat macro. Should this return I'd more than likely make it a one-shot in which every character, no matter what, will always find themselves shouting with no way of being able to stay silent.

Character Channeling: Another event from the days of 2008 and one that saw your character "become" another, from ANY fandom/medium; IIRC there was Steven Stone as The Count from Sesame Street, Giratina was Misa of Death Note and Cresselia was FFX's Yuna.

This would run parallel to how Twice More With Feeling and Silent Hills did, with a post to kick things off and then the freedom to either comment in that thread or start up your own entries.

Crossover Event: Last January saw PD team up with one of our affiliates, yugioh_dr; we could post over there and they in ours... and it ended up spawning an event on its own accord. I tried to do the same for THIS January with our other affiliate, kingdomdressing, but problem after problem caused for me to drop it altogether.

If you vote for this, I really want specifics. Would you like for your own other-fandom muses to post, would you like me to try and get another RP community to cooperate or reopen talks with the mods at kingdomdressing, what fandoms would you like to see, what WOULDN'T you like to see? I know that everyone has different tastes but I'm certain we can find something we all can enjoy.

Genderswap: Do I really need to elaborate on this one?

Loss Of One Sense: An event that occurred in December 2009 and the sense lost didn't have to be one of the main five. It could have been your sense of direction, balance, modesty, anything abstract!

This one would also run akin to TMWF and Silent Hills.

Screwed Up Ages: As already mentioned this has happened twice before, the most recent being a year ago. While 2.0 wasn't as brilliant as it could have been this event is seen as a classic in a lot of RP communities. Maybe the players who joined from last April onwards could make 3.0 better? IDK man.

Truthfetti/Liefetti: Thanks to atrickinchime, confetti falls over the entire island and those caught out in the "rain"storm either find themselves telling the constant truth or uttering nothing but lies. 2009 was just the Truthfetti, 2010 had both, 2011? Down to you.

Poll Let's get eventful!

You have one week, until April 15, to decide.

As for events for this month? Keep an eye on the calendar post over the next few days; I'll be muddling on through February's suggestions and seeing what I can do.

a possible event?, have a poll dammit, !modpost, seaking your feedback plz, seaking your suggestions plz

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