Tv Tropes really does ruin your life. Allow me to ruin it some more~

Mar 20, 2011 12:45

Alright; this isn't a character I plan to intro right away, but I actually wanted to get an opinion (or two) on how exactly this could play out.

Lyra right here is the very incarnation of nightmare fuel; she represents it, and she represents it very well. She has a liking of Pokemon that generally give people the creeps; expect Gengar, Shedinja, and a few others to be a common place in her team. Though, as regular nightmare fuel...she revels in the stuff that wasn't meant to scare people, but manages to anyway. Creepy, creepy things...Fridge Horror also applies as well. Figured I'd say that before someone warned me of Nightmare Fuel of the 'High Octane' variety.

Either way, the AU she comes from has multiple people (not sure if I'm just gonna go all Johto on this, or all protags/rivals, but...) who represent different aspects of different tropes. I...still need to work on that portion, but I'm thinking more along the lines of not personality tropes, but tropes describing general life that are represented.

So...yeah. I just wanted to get some general opinions of how I could go about this? Unless it's a bad idea that would...lead to something going horribly wrong, then I won't. ^^;

i has an idea, seaking your suggestions plz

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