(no subject)

Jan 28, 2011 14:54

Hey there - just a quick not!modpost from me, regarding characters and activity.

+ I'm not dropping anyone outright, but I'm going to be setting a hiatus on some of my characters; these are all ones that I've never been terribly active with, though I've been posting with them a bit recently in order to try to see if their voices still work for me. And while they do, I haven't worked on them enough to be playing them as well as I should - so! For the time being, putting Lucian (novel_ties), Lucy (try_my_luck), and Hareta (love_it_out) on hiatus for a bit; also, Norman (reliable_one) will get a re-intro once I am done freezing up to awesome extents. Apologies for the false start there, but there are various reasons why I'm not capable of tagging with him right now, none of them terribly important on their own but everything adds up eventually; I'll be deleting that eventually because what is a general inability to focus long enough to tag much right now or not, change of plan for the second time, I'm going to continue to work on that once I've cleared my head. You did not see that man behind the curtain, etc; hiatus announcement still stands, however.

+ Apologies for having not been around lately; I haven't been in a good place, headspace-wise, and I've been trying to remain generally distant from most lest I bite people's heads off when they don't deserve it. I'm trying to get everything back in order, and I...think I'm succeeding, though that kind of has yet to be seen. I'll get back to all major tags when I can, though.

Hope you're having a good one, guys. ♥

guise i am so sorry, a change of plan, the deal of it is this, brb on hiatus

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