Plot post.

Jul 27, 2010 21:13

Good evening, morning or whenever it is that you all happen to see this - I'm here to announce the impending start of the Galactic plot that's been muttered about since approximately the beginning of time!

(...seriously, I apologize for my glacial plotting skills.)

First of all, this is set to go down within the first week of August; initial posting should be ended by the sixth, though tags will obviously be seen through to completion past that if necessary and desired. There will be two posts that will definitely be put forth by Cyrus between the time that the Loveless event comes to a close and the sixth, the first being the post for indoctrination of the new recruits and the assignment of orders down the chain of command - so yes, my commanders, you will actually be briefed on what the hell is going on - and the second being the attempt itself.

If you would like for your characters to have been recruited but they were not for whatever reason - whether it was due to a hiatus from one or both of us, a lack of foreknowledge, or dropped threads or other fail on my part - please let me know now. You can do so through a comment to this post, or ping me on AIM at AsylumBred; I'll be able to arrange something for you, but I need to know as soon as possible.

On the other side, there are some on this island that have a solid indication that all is not right and something massive is about to go down. Please feel free to give some massive opposition, guys. I'll love you for it.

Secondly, I've set up a permissions post here - this is for the endbattle, guys, not for participation in anything else, and all I ask is that you fill it out by the time that endbattle comes about. It's going to serve both as a headcount (I'd like to know how many people I'm going to be working with) and, as is evidenced by the questions on it, a genuine permissions post; Cyrus personally will be going no-holds-barred, and he fully intends to instruct his commanders to do the same - I would like to know what we are permitted to do to your characters!

More information will be given during the Galactic briefing to come; I look forward to your participation!

event announcement, !modpost, seaking your permission plz

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