(no subject)

Jan 15, 2010 18:33


That's right, Pokedressing is going to have it's very own FST! I, Cola, will be making a shiny little cover, back page, and of course, the track listing pages. As well as compiling all the songs into a convenient zip and such. :> So! To be included, please reply to this post with a nice filled out little form as seen below.

To submit a song for a CHARACTER:

Character: Your character, of course.
Song: And a song you think suits them!
Reason: And why you chose that song! Just a sentence or two is fine, but if you want to go in depth that's cool too - if you're alright with it being shortened a bit for the track listing.
(Optional) Picture: of your character. If it's fanart, I'm gonna be a stickler and say that the source is required so that proper credit can be given. If you don't put one, I'll choose one myself.
(Optional) Download Link: for the song. If it's inconvenient or you don't have one, or you're just feeling lazy, that is absolutely fine! I will hunt it down mineself.

To submit a song for a RELATIONSHIP:

Characters: Which characters is this song about.
Song: What song suits their relationship!
Reason: Why did you choose this song?
(Optional) Picture: Of the characters in question. Of course, this could be rather difficult, given the cross-overs and crack that happen in RP, so go wild. Separate pictures, photoshops - whatever you want. As always, credit to the artist is necessary.
(Optional) Download Link: for the song if you feel like it. No problem if not, I can get it mineself. :>

To submit a song for the RP ITSELF:

Song: What song it is
Reason: Why should it be in this FST? What PART of the game do you relate it to, and why?
(Optional) Picture: If you feel like there's a good picture to go with it, you can post that here! Again, fanart will need credit.
(Optional) Download Link: for the song. If you don't post a link, I can hunt it down mineself and it is absolutely no trouble, so don't stress it.

I'll be making another post in exactly one week, meaning, on Friday the 22nd! I'll list whose songs I've got, the progress, etc, and tell you how to be included if you aren't yet and blah.

There are, of course, some requirements. Here they are, yo.

• Songs cannot originate from any pokemon canon. No official pokemon songs, that is cheating. :|||
• Songs can be in any language. With foreign songs, a link the lyrics would be appreciated, but isn't necessary.
• You may submit songs for a maximum of THREE characters. After that, you may still submit a GENERAL RP song, but that's it. Sorry to put limits, but some of you play 342839472 characters, and we can't make this FST too huge. D:
• Any character featured in a relationship song cannot have a solo song. CHOOSE WISELYyyyyy And characters in relationship songs are still counted from your 3 characters maximum
• IF you are submitting a RELATIONSHIP song, you MUST have permission from all the involved characters muns! Which means they all need to reply to the comment that submits the song to show me "hey we're okay with this" and such.
• I mentioned in the forms, but ALL FANART REQUIRES SOURCES.
• Just to be clear, it's all divided up by mun, not CHARACTER. So, say someone posts a Pikachu/Gible song or something! A pikachu or gible played by another mun could still submit their own songs.
• Also just to be clear: Pokemon are in the 'characters' category.
• Please to be specifying in the subject line which type of song you are submitting; RP, Character, or Relationship. Just to be extra sure I don't mess up like a dumb ho.
• FOUR SONGS TOTAL is the maximum you can submit. Just. Yeah. :x
• ALSO I HATE TO KEEP ADDING THINGS but I just realized that things'll get mighty complicated, so if you could include the SCREEN NAMES of the characters you're submitting songs for, so as not to be mixed up with doubles, that'd be neat. :>


and if you have questions, of course, feel free to ask yo.

#fanmix, seaking your suggestions plz

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