To my cellphones... I decided to buy another one. (Hmm..)
It's nothing special, a Motorola V3 (Razr) ... I liked the color...fell inlove with it, regardless if the phone is already outdated =)
So, in addition to my N70, I introduce to you, my Motorola V3.. =D
They make such a wonderful couple. I wonder when they will have a baby... perhaps an N95? (HAH I WISH! That'll be the day) =D~~
(Motorola v3 Razr)
(Nokia N70)
Other than that... Life has been going pretty well. I joined a group of friends (all bi's and gays mind you) and it's a blast...we all hang out once a month, so that's cool. Last week we went to Trinoma Mall (it's effin huge!), then afterwards we went to a Videoke Bar... rented a private room, drank lots of beer and sang till 6am.. I got home at 8am... slept the entire day. Hahaha!!!
PICS!! (not many... but hey... they're pics)
(They're all dark... damn... but hey, the room WAS with me!)
Also, I want to share this song to you all...I love it. And you should too. If you don't, then that's cool too... =)
Well, that seems about all the things I can think of to share with you all... I miss you all... I wanna go back to Seattle and bring all my friends there... Heheh. now THAT, would be the day. ;)
P.S. Hmm..I've been into witchcraft lately... not sure what sparked my interest in it again, but hey.. it's there. =)
Brightest Blesssings to you all.