5 x 7

Nov 12, 2008 22:42

Half-inched from deborahw37. Multiples of 5 things you probably didn't want to know about me...

5 things I was doing 10 years ago:

1. Being in an ultimately unhealthy relationship with AlcoholicNick
2. But getting laid often and creatively ;)
3. Walking without any aids
4. Thinking of buying a house
5. Being a control freak of a line manager, but usually with a smile!

5 things on my to-do-list for today

1. Finish writing an info catalogue [done]
2. Get info newsletter out and online (done)
3. Get washing indoors [done]
4. Email cousin [will do as soon as I've finished this!]
5. Unpacking organic veg bag [not done yet]

5 snacks I enjoy: (but usually don't snack, have this stuff as part of a meal)

1. Olives, food of the gods
2. Sunmaid raisins
3. Satsumas
4. Wheat free cheese crackers
5. Almonds

5 things I would do if I were a multi- millionaire:

1. Buy parentals their dream home in Yorkshire
2. Buy me my dream - and practical - home somewhere
3. Give up work
4. Give dirty great wodges to my fave charities/interests and set up various charitable trusts for those not covered
5. Employ a PA, cook, gardener, chauffeur, reflexologist etc (not all the same person) to help me get more quality of life

5 of my bad habits:

1. Knowing I'm right!
2. Being a control freak
3. Irritability
4. Not taking my vitamins every day
5. Smoking

5 places I have lived in:

1. Sunderland
2. Stratford-upon-Avon
3. London
4. Nunnington
5. Worcester

5 jobs I've had:

1. Bovril and pie seller at a footie ground
2. Tour guide at Anne Hathaway's Cottage
3. Archaeological finds cataloguer
4. Admin officer
5. Information Co-ordinator
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