Prompt 001: Voting

Aug 07, 2010 01:01

PROMPT 001 // Jul 2010 // VOTING

★ Voting is closed to members of pokeprompts only. If you would like to vote, please join the community!
★ Votes are kept confidential.
★ You may cast up to three votes for your favorites. Casting less is acceptable, but casting more will disqualify all your votes.
★ Writers may not vote for their own story. If you do, that one vote will be disqualified.
★ The special category for this round is best playlist. Vote for which randomizer you thought was kindest! (lol)
★ Even though review week is complete, please continue to read and critique! Happy voting!

Voting for this round will be open until 12:01AM EST August 14th, 2010. First, second, and third place winners, as well as the winner of the special category and mod's choice will receive a banner.

Prompt 002 for August will be posted shortly!

If you don't read carefully, your vote may be disqualified.

Since there since LJ polls can only hold fifteen entries per question and we had seventeen entries, I divided each of the sections into two parts. However, you can only vote for three entries total for your favorites and only one entry for the special category, not per each part. If you cast more votes than that, I'm not going to hunt you down to tell you; your vote will automatically be disqualified.

Poll PokéPrompts prompt 001: 5x5 Poll


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