(no subject)

Sep 01, 2005 14:48

Another post? Why, I think so! I think I'm going to begin making more of an effort to posting in this online blog trap. It's a nice place to go and vent, and let everything I possibly can all pour out into a blob of unfeeling canniness.
Where am I at emotionally today? I'm numb. That's for sure. Last night, I had the gracious pleasure of watching "Bent" with my dearest friend in the whole world, the lovely Miss Aiden. By the end, I was a wreck. A total and complete mess. It was disgusting. But, I managed to sleep well in the end.
This morning I talked some more with my mother about that tutor, and she said she'd like to put the money towards a marine biologist who can come and teach me about my surroundings and the ocean. Either that or she wants to spend the money on someone to teach me three different languages in one school year. As if the four I all ready speak aren't enough! She's expecting so much out of me! But, I suppose having that available will look quite good on my portfolio. And if I ever want to go to college in a foreign country, I have a slight chance that I'll be able to communicate with the people around me.
So, I bought my tickets to see "The King and I" at the 5th Avenue Theatre the other day. I'm very proud of myself. I bought one extra for whoever wants to go *hint*Aiden*hint*Ruby*hint* ... but yes, Stephany Powers is in it, who ever she is. Should be interesting. I managed to snag two seats in the third row center for a Saturday evening performance.
Should be interesting.
Should be very interesting.

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