Sooo, yeah, I haven't been on the computer much the last few days. I haven't updated since I hit Mistralton, the 6th Gym city. ^_^'; So I'll keep it brief; mainly because not all that much happened that was really remarkable~
Much like I do every time I reach a new city, I immediately healed and invaded every house in town! Oh look! The Move Deleter! Oh look; a Sharp Beak! *chucks it at Swoobat* Muahahaha! Oh look! ...there's two Professor Junipers! O_o... Her father. Ah, that makes slightly more sense at least. Skyla, the Gym Leader, chats with us for a while and heads up north to the Celestial Tower.
After making a complete IDIOT out of myself, I found my way to the gym. Wow, that airplane is only like, 10 people long. But then again, Skyla had said they were cargo ships. Which reminds me, why did I bother coming to the Gym? She told me she wouldn't be here like - two minutes ago! So off to the north.
Route 7. Lots of rain, lots of Trainers, and not much else. Oh well, it helped to fill out the team a bit more; not counting the Pignite and Gigalith, who don't get along well with rain and all. Ah well; at Celestial Tower, I was able to train the Pignite and the Gigalith a bit more. So I get to the top of the Tower, and Skyla asks me to...ring the bell. Jeeze, at least the other pre-requisites for sending Leaders back to their Gyms usually involved fending off Team Plasma, or something WORTHWHILE! So I rang the damn thing, and she wandered away.
Back to the Gym. Shooting yourself out of cannons to maneuver the Gym, hooray! O_o;;; Klink...basically took this entire place out by itself. XD Also, the last cannon before reaching Skyla is hilarious. You faceplant into the wall and slide down to the ground. XD XD XD
Anyhow, another badge in hand, I wandered outside...and another close encounter of the Nth kind! ._. Please don't hurt me, Klink has 9 hp left!!! ...oh. You just want to talk to Klink. Oooookay... It tells him where I live, about my mother, why I left to become a Trainer... He thinks I'm a nice guy, because of how my Pokemon talk about me. Good thing he doesn't know about the number of times I've sacrificed one Pokemon to Revive another. >_>'; *ahem* The he goes on about the Light and Dark Stones, and becoming the Legendary Hero and other inane psychobabble. Then he just wanders away... *shouts after him* Weirdo!!!
So back to Route 7, only this time due east and north toward my next destination. Snarkfight! >_<; Of course, by this point, I was expecting to see him after a Gym Badge. So I had the Klink out to fend off his starter, which he always seems to send out first.
So out comes the Unfezant.
Klink learned Mirror Shot at the Gym. Charge Beam has a 70% chance of raising Special Attack.
*spams Charge Beam* Bwahahahahaha!!!!! Klink took him out SINGLE-HANDEDLY. Watching Dewott fall to one Charge Beam brought a tear to my eye. ;u;
After Klink pummeled him into the ground (and evolved into Klang! 8D!) Alder fell out of the sky (well, jumped down from the ledge above anyway) and...handed me...Surf. *weeps with joy* I IMMEDIATELY flew the hell to Accumula Town, healed, and pulled the nearest Pokemon capable of learning Surf out of my box. Sadly, I don't recall what it even was. :/ And my DS is dead and charging right now, and I don't feel like going and getting it. XP I'll find out later, though, and clarify. Promise. XD
I headed to Route 1 and hopped in the water, reaching a small island with a few trainers on it. Here I battled the Pignite into evolution at long last. Emboar is awesome; if not a little lacking in non-Fire moves, rendering it all but useless against Water- or Rock-types. ^^* Regardless, it evolved, and that's all I really wanted.
Well, that and the male Frillish I caught. Which being Water/Ghost-type, immediately gained my affection, and became my sixth and final Party member! =3 I finished up collecting things on Route 17 and 18, the island area past Route 1 there, and flew around from town to town collecting everything I could possibly Surf to. I swapped my whatever-it-was for my Frillish, taught IT Surf, and went wild. Honestly, I don't recall collecting anything TOO fantastic. Besides the few TMs beneath Wellspring Cave. But it was worth it all-in-all, as the Frillish got up to like, level 30 from all the stuff I fought along the way. With the team almost completely evolved at this point, I returned to Mistralton and headed back to where Alder had given me Surf: Twist Mountain. Apparently, Clay owns the damn thing, or something. O_o' The rube WOULD own a giant pile of dirt, wouldn't he now.
Lots of items (including the Flash Cannon TM, which promptly overwrote Mirror Shot on Klang!) and lots of Trainers, especially Hikers with nothing but Boldore and Gurdurr, made for good training for the Frillish. Holy crap, when does this thing evolve? And holy crap, when does Klang evolve?! O_o';;; And speaking of crap, it's Cheren again! ...okay, so that wasn't nice. But seriously. At least he's just nagging at a Team Plasma grunt, and not challenging me. AGAIN. On the upside, I'm free of Twist Mountain! It didn't seem nearly as long as Chargestone Cave, but it was a lot more annoying with all the dead end!
Icirrus City actually amused me, with the puddles full of wild Pokemon. I ran over a rare spot, and found a freaking level 40 Seismitoad. ._.; THAT'LL teach me not to have any Grass-type moves on my team. After wandering around and discovering there's nowhere else to go at this point, I headed for the Gym...
And got inside? No errands to run? No random fight with Bianca or N? No cannibalistic Plasma grunts having eaten the Gym Leader, screwing me out of my badge? It's a miracle! ;_;
The puzzle here was sliding around on ice, and hitting switches to rotate the direction that bumpers faced to navigate you toward the Leader. It's a lot like Pryce's Gym from Johto, only cool. *rimshot* At any rate, this was again an excellent Gym for Klang.
Who got up to level 42.
And still didn't evolve.
Now touting 7 of the 8 badges, I stepped outside.
Oh no, it's SNERPY!!!!!!!! ... Yes, I've decided to pair them, and their relationship nickname is Snarky + Derpy... Snerpy. *nodnod* -~-
Thankfully, though, no-one wanted to mash my head in this time either. >_>; I'm getting worried.
Then Brysen starts yelling at nothingness. Aren't you a little young for senility, dude?
*Shadow Triad appears* ............oh. Damn.
What's that Triad? Little Timmy N fell up the Dragonspiral Tower? And what's that Triad, that dickwad Ghetsis is with him? Let's go!
And this is where I'll stop for the night. The plot really gets rolling from here on, so part two will be more exciting. XD I'll also post my updated roster then. 'later!