Hello, again, my nameless friends.

Mar 14, 2011 17:42

Hey all. Sorry for the delay in a second post, for once it wasn't the lazy that caused it! Shocking, I know, right? I spent the weekend in Boston at PAX East. 3 days of wandering a ginormous convention hall and buying stupid, stupid stuff. But now I'm back, now, and ready to post!

I started off my next play time by wandering back into Chargestone Cave to catch myself a Klink. Lo and behold, the first battle? A level 27 Klink. Capture went smooth, and I headed to move forward on my journey.

Only to be informed that I had passed where you get the Cover Fossil. You know, the one that lets you get Tirtouga. The one who's evolution, ever since I had seen it when it was simply Abagoura, I had wanted.


So I went and found a friend to trade me a Woobat, since I had literally not caught a single flying-type. None of them interested me in the slightest. Don't blame me, blame the creators!


So I taught the Woobat fly, and flew back to Nimbasa City to run to the Desert Resort. Ran through that quick and snagged the fossil. I then used Krokorok's Dig to get out quick and flew to Narcene City to get my Tirtouga. That done, I flew back to Mistralton City, tossed the Woobat and Panpour, who was one of my sacrificial lambs, into the PC and withdrew both Klink and Tirtouga.

I think I may have the makings of my endgame team. It's funny, it doesn't follow my normal standards for a team, but I'm enjoying it. That is what matters.

Yes, it does.

Stop arguing with me!

No, I don't care that it probably has glaring weaknesses.

No, don't care about that either!

GAH. We'll just agree that you'll shut up and let me do what I want.

Good, now that that's settled...

ANYWAYS. I then headed up towards Twist mountain.

Only to get jumped by Cheren.


I had the bright idea of trying to use my level 25 Tirtouga's Rock Throw against his level 33 Unfezant. Yeah, that went well. One hit and Tirtouga went down. Beyond that, after reviving the unfortunate turtle, I pretty much stomped him. While swapping in Tirtouga at the start of each swap in to get him some exp! Alder showed up and handed me HM 03, Surf. Which I promptly taught to Tirtouga. Oh yeah.

So I head up into Twist Mountain and....

Run into Cheren again.

Double damnit.

Luckily, he just runs off into the mountain, so I continue on my merry way, leading with Tirtouga to get him some levels. Need to catch him and Klink up to the rest of my team, which is hovering in the 35 range.

I absolutely adore the Surf animation, too. Just thought you all would like to know that.

I know, it's amazing how well I know you all.

No, I am NOT delusional!

...Why does everyone ask me that? ;_;

So I made my way out of Twist Mountain after tearing through every trainer I could get to, leveling my Klink and Tirtouga to a respectable 35 each. I headed towards the seventh gym and Brycen, the Ice trainer.

Hey, this guy looks a lot younger then the other guys they've had as Ice trainers.

Using mostly my Gurdurr, with help from Victini I tore through his gym trainers, then faced off with the leader himself.

... He used 2 hyper potions on his Vanillish, which is when his attacks caught up to my Gurdurr and he fainted.


Victini jumped in and finished off the Vanillish, then his Beartic, and finally his Cryogonal with little to no issue whatsoever. He handed over his Icicle Badge and TM 79: Frost Breath.

Then I went down a fun slide.

Then I climbed up and slid down it again.


Stop staring at me!

I mean it!

Bah, screw it.

Anyways, I exited the gym and...

What the hell, Cheren again. Doesn't this kid have anything better to do then stalk me? This time, he wasn't looking for a fight, apparently he was having some form of emotional upheaval. The Ninjas Three then popped up and told me N was waiting in Dragonspiral Tower.

Awesome, on one side a kid having an emotional breakdown that apparently lives only to stalk me. On the other, a megalomaniac with delusions of grandeur and world domination that is oddly interested in me.

Hide me.


At the end of the day, my team stands as:

Lvl. 37
Mega Drain
Leaf Blade
Leaf Tornado

Lvl. 38
Victory Star
Flame Charge
Charge Beam
Searing Shot

Lvl. 37
Sheer Force
Rock Slide
Chip Away
Low Kick

Lvl. 37
Sand Tomb

Gear Grind
Charge Beam

Solid Rock
Aqua Jet

This is Seratu, signing out.

!white, !seratu

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