Oh, I know I can dream, I can dream.

Aug 12, 2007 23:01

And I stretched out on the roof, the lights from Cumbie's disoreintating the colors of the moon, and of the sun. You knocked on the window from inside my room, opening it, and crawling out to watch the sky, the eclipse, with me. We were in total silence, and I remembered how you always acted like you hated when people were romantic. And even though we weren't 'together', we were at that time. Without any inuenndos. Lifting your hand up to your face to scratch your nose, you mentioned,"This is really beautiful." Almost conversationally, almost like it didn't matter. Almost. But I knew you enjoyed it, I knew that you were just being a boy. I smiled, and I said,"Not as beautiful as you." Mocking the couple that bothered the both of us, the couple that we threated to push off the roof if they came, and began saying sweet things like that, if they began engulfing eachother's faces. We invited them, and they didn't come. So it was just the two of us, resting on the roof, me on one side, and you on the other, the tops of our heads touching slightly at the pinnicle of the roof. I couldn't see your face, but I felt your smile, and heard your chuckle,"I'm glad they're not here. I can see them now, on their own roof...Sucking face. 'Ooh, babe I'm so glad I'm with you, I love you.'" Like I felt your smile, I felt your grimace,"They don't know what they're talking about." Sometimes, I thought that maybe you were just afraid to love, or afraid of intimacy, no matter how much you talked about those sexual things that you knew of but just barely touched the surface of phsyically, it was never intimate. You can have sex with a girl, or you can make love to a girl. You can eat her out, or you can carass her. Maybe you just hadn't seen the differences yet. But love wasn't all about sex, and that's why I agreed that the couple we dispised, wasn't in love.
We fell silent again, watching as the sky darkened in total, and we were left in the dark, aside from Cumbie's, which I had forever wished would shut their lights off at night. It was a chilly summer night, not long before Fall, I had shorts, and a sweatshirt on, whilst you had pants and one of your infamous skating tees on. I didn't feel cold, and yet when I placed my hand on my arm to tug up my sleeve, I felt how frozen my arm truely was. I heard you shuffling about, but I took no notice to it. I was too busy pulling my sleeve back down, and wrapping my arms around myself. I felt you press into my side, you had appeared along side of me, as opposed to on the other side of the roof. Your shoulder, and my shoulder were touching, your arm and my side were touching.
I had such a horrible feeling the night before and this morning. I knew, I just knew you weren't going to come today. And through out the whole day, I didn't hear a word from you. Nothing. I cried, pathetically, I knew it was pointless, I knew it was so silly. I don't know why it effected me so much when you blew me off, because I was always expecting it. You never came when you said you would, so I don't know why I had continued hoping. And at that last moment, when I was ready to break apart, you appeared at my window, from the inside of my room. I could tell you were thinking the same thing, or something along the lines of today, and tonight. I heard you sigh, and I heard you whisper,"Sorry...About today you know...Di-" I didn't really want to hear the excuses, so I elbowed you and told you that it was perfectly alright, and that I was happy that you at least came to see the eclipse. I turned my head to face you, to see you pulling yourself up, to see you propping yourself on your elbows. It was probably never going to happen, I said to myself, as I retured my sight on the sky, which was slowly turning into a mix or oranges, and purples, while the moon was pulling itself away from the moon. "I should probably pull myself away from you too." I blinked, my eyes still facing upwards, but no longer seeing the sky, no longer, seeing you, out of the corner of my left eye, and my windows, and house out of my right. I saw the white ceiling, and my favorite JRock band, staring right back at me. I don't think I can do it.
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