So, yeah. I've been referencing things about Midori that come from me, not canon, so I'm keeping track of them!
- Midori sleepwalks. She doesn't get very far, but it does happen!
- Midori's alias "Dolly" is her father's childhood nickname for her.
- Midori and her father live together in a small apartment with 3 cats.
- When Midori was 6, one of her cats got out and was struck by a car. She survived, but lost a leg.
- Her mom died less than a year after she was born, and she barely remembers her.
- Her mother died of appendicitis complications. As a result, Midori takes illness and injury that require hospitalization very seriously, even if she is reckless about situations that could cause said illness or injury.
- Her best friend's name is Momo and they go to cons together.
- She loves giving presents and looks for excuses to do so!
- Midori has had a number of incidents of minor sexual harassment while in cosplay, and gets very huffy if they come up.
- She lived in Sapporo in elementary school.
- She plays dating sims, but only PG13 or lower, because smut is not her thing.