Black and White!

Sep 14, 2010 06:35

Hello folks! As most of you know, the release of the Generation 5 PokeDex is nearly upon us! I realize that we might get swarmed with claim requests and changes, so here's the deal!

-Each member of the community may have ONE new additional claim from the Gen 5 PokeDex.
-Each member also has the option of adding yet another second additional claim by switching a current claim for a new one.

Make sense? Basically, everyone gets one free new claim, so get yourselves ready for the PokeDex release! Also, if you want, you may also exchange one of your current claims for a new one. This gives you the opportunity to get TWO new claims.

Some Pokemon have already been revealed of course, and some temporary claims have been made. You may start claiming now, but it's probably best to wait! Who knows if some Pokemon will be revealed that you decide you want more, right?

Anyway, for those of you that are ready to start the claims process now, feel free to comment to this post. I myself will be claiming Desukan, and will be saving my exchange claim for later. For the rest of you, either bide your time or get commentin'!

ALSO, and this is important. People seem to be forgetting a crucial rule in this community: You must join and REMAIN a member of PokemonClaims. Anyone who leaves the community loses their claims. I will be doing more claims list weeding soon, so keep an eye out for potential Pokemon becoming available!

mod: announcements

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