#060, #061, #062

Jul 29, 2008 00:38

Wow, y'know what? I've been in doing this 51 days now, and I've drawn 63 Pokes... For me, that's rather mind boggling xD To the tadpoles!

I solemnly vow to never put that many panels in one of these pictures ever again.

I never quite registered before just how cute poliwhirl is- he's such a little sweetie! >3<

One of those moments where you draw it then go "damn, that should have been Machamp..." but oh well, I felt that Poliwrath in a leotard was something the internet required :D

I have a problem, Pokenauts. Today I learned that I am moving, without my PC. So there's gonna be a break in posts for a while... In the meantime I think I'll get started on the next batch of 25, probably by jumping on the watercolour bandwagon. Aaanyway, the point is that if Abra and co. aren't up by Thursday, they probably won't be up for a while :(

poliwhirl, artist:merlynster, poliwag, poliwrath

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