check-in #1 (optional)

Aug 16, 2011 01:38

Hey guys! So we're now a month into the big bang, and we want to see how it's going with you all. Remember, this is an optional check-in, and is mostly for you to gauge yourself and how your story is coming along.

Here's what the form looks like:

Current word count:
What you like about your story:
What you dislike about your story:
Anything else?: (personal issues that are making it hard to write, need someone to read through what you have and give feedback, need to rant a little?)

Current word count:
What you like about your story:
What you dislike about your story:
Anything else?: (personal issues that are making it hard to write, need someone to read through what you have and give feedback, need to rant a little?)

!mod post, *2011, +check-in

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