Originally posted by
chanhan at
TRADING SHINY BLASTOISE for the 2 CHARIZARD megastones X YTRADING SHINY BLASTOISE for the 2 CHARIZARD megastones...i gave it to firnds thinking that i could just buy more........now i really need them back.. i was never fond of my blastoise that i got years ago, i like the regular(i like blue more XD) , please if anyone has 2 spare ones i am working on getting other shinys that i can trade for, for now.......blastoise is all i got. i got a RED SCORPY yey , i found it in a horde. named ir RED KIBA...red fang, but i can change name.
please i really need those 2 stones!
i am going to part with my shiny pokemon collection that i have had in boxed over the years, i im TRADING EVERYTHING for those 2 stones.
here is what i have:
happiny -F-careful-serene grace
luxio-M- gentle-rivalry
blastoise-M-bashful- torrent...i trained him HP-Def and Sp Def-icebeam rain dance surf and focus blast
burmy-F-sassy-shed skin
venemoth - M-hasty-tainted lens
sneaseal-F-Naive-inner focus
beedrill - F-relaxed-swarn
mime Jr-M-Lax-filter
floatzel-F-impish-swift swim
jap togepy M-modest-hustle
LV 10 MEW -not shiny...sorry-IMPISH