Another reason for me to hurry the heck up with finishing white 2 then, right now I can't trade anything off pre-w/b because I haven't finished any gen 5 cart :'(
No problem :) I'm only just at Nimbasa City so far so I have a way to go yet, and I don't want to get you the one on white 2 just in case! That said I should really transfer over what I have already just to start it going, to X that is.. And then I'd have it on my pokedex so I wouldn't need it any more for the shiny charm.. right?
I have everything transferred over to my White 2 copy, and I can't for the life of me remember if I was able to snag 2 Girantinas xD haha, however I know I 100% have 1 shiny one from an in-store event. Do you need it permanently or just to fill out the pokedex?
All I gave to offer is Pokerus really. Aside from what is in the game, I don't havd many legendaries because, as you meet them so late in the game, I am not very attached to them. Giratina is special to me as I love ghosts! I can breed babies of all the starters though. :)
Okay.. so I can go ahead and trade it for you ^.^ If you can get online in the next 2 hours or so I can send it to you right away, I'm just poketransportering it to my copy of X for you. My FC is 1091 7659 4159
It's for Ds etc. XY and the Pokebank stuff isn't affected, but getting older Pokemon from their original cartridge won't be possible, it seems. :(
Okay.. so I can go ahead and trade it for you ^.^ If you can get online in the next 2 hours or so I can send it to you right away, I'm just poketransportering it to my copy of X for you. My FC is 1091 7659 4159
I am so excited, I can't thank tou enough for remembering me!
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