Title: A Song and the Sea
Warnings: a tiny bit dark in places, so PG.
Summery:In which Satoko, who is still an Eevee,remembers her past life.
Note: This and the other arcs are at
ginspokeficNext up is another chapter in "The Trouble Trio."
A Song and the Sea
The Gardevoir outside her cage patted her head. “I need you to think back, far back. I need you to remember a time before Satoko. Can you do that, my lady?”
“I can… try, but all I’ve ever known is this life,” Satoko said. “I mean! My life as a human girl. I think… I’m scared! I don’t know what’s real anymore!”
“I will help you remember,” said Gardevoir with a smile. “Please trust me.”
When Satoko closed her eyes, she saw the sea. She could feel the sun on her back as she moved across the water. It was warm and inviting. She felt her hand touch the cool water, and felt her body fly with the rush of the summer breeze. She sang out happily, it echoed across the sea. It was such a lovely, nostalgic feeling.
Where is this? Satoko wondered.
Another song answered hers. Ah yes, they were two. They flew together, diving in and out of the water. Even in this life, she had a twin.
Satoshi. Satoshi can you hear me? Satoko thought. Brother, I want to see you again. Shigeru, Aoi, Akane. I miss you all so much.
Suddenly, a storm began to form in the sky. Dark clouds swirled all around them. The waves of the water turned hostile and unforgiving. They tried to be faster than the rising waves. They flew towards the shore of the small coastal town. Voices screamed as strange black contraptions ensnared them, dragging them into the water. It was cold and salty. It stung their eyes. She called out to him. She called and called, but her twin could not answer.
“Now do you remember yourself, Lady Latias?” Gardevoir said.
“Latias? But that’s…”
“To humans, the twin dragons are a legend, but it is the truth. I had been with you when you traveled the wide world. Lady Latias, you traveled far to Cinnabar Island to see the Seafom Islands, but you two got caught in a terrible storm. To save yourself from certain death at the hand of poachers, you changed your body into that of a human child. Your brother had done the same. The two children washed up on the shore of a little town called Pallet eight years ago."
“So Mama isn’t really my Mama?”
“Satoshi. Are Satoshi and I really?”
“Lord Latios would never leave your side my lady. You two are twins, always. ”
Satoko sighed with relief. “But then, if I’m really Latias, why did I turn into an Eevee?”
“That was the will of your human side. Those men wanted to tap into your ancient mind. Instead, your human personality interfered, giving you the shape of your most desired partner.”
“If I escape, can I change back into my true form?” Satoko asked.
“My lady, which form is your true form?”Gardevoir asked.
“I’m not sure anymore, but I… I want to see my brother again!” Satoko said. “Even if I’m to be in a pokemon’s body for the rest of my life, I’ll be fine.”