May 13, 2012 19:19
This could be a really dumb question. I'm going to ask it anyways because it could turn out to be not that dumb.
My travel buddy Julie who is my turtwig pokedoll has her birthday comming up on July 2nd. (about the day that i bought her in Japan in Epcot.) and i was talking to my friend about how i have no idea how old she would be. We didn't know the life expectancy of turtwigs. (But really any pokemon.) I didn't know if i should give her an age or i should Just start from zero. I do know that pokemon can die since they have those cemeteries in the games.
So i ask you pokemon crazies fans. What would you think the life expectency would be for turtwigs? Since she is a turtwig pokedoll she can't evolve so I don't care about grotles or torterras. Now i'm starting to ramble so i leave this post at that question. Thank you guys.
pokemon: t,
generation 4,
type: grass