Pokemon slash/femslash RP anyone?

Jan 06, 2012 18:14

Just cintinuing my search for some fellow RPers to help scratch my itches,

I'm looking for a Satoshi/Ash, Hiroshi/Ritchie, Gold/Ethan or Kouki/Lucas for males and either a Hinata/Solana or White/Touko for females. I'd love to pair one of those males with an original character of mine, but I'm more than willing to play canons, in partiulars with playing Jun/Barry for your Kouki/Lucas, I'd also be willing to play Max or Tracey for your Satoshi/Ash. and for girls I'd like to play a Bianca for someone's White/Touko. in terms of plot I'm looking to play out a situation where Pokemon Trainers have to go to school and worry about other social activities and hobbies outside of Pokemon. Also, I prefer to RP one-on-one, I don't have the time to devote to an LJ group RP, allthough I'd be willing to set up an LJ musebox for a one on one if you don't like IMs or E-mails.

If you are interested, please leave me a comment or send me a PM with how to get a hold of you, And I'd be happy to provide my end of contact information.
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