So, I've been getting into land comms lately, and I was wondering why there weren't any Pokemon Land Comms! I mean they're fun and it'd be pretty creative to think of all types of communities and such, right? Right! So, here's what I'm thinking.
If there isn't such a land comm around for Pokemon, why can't I just... Oh I don't know. Make one? 8D;
So! This is what I'm posting here about, guys: would any of you be interested for a Pokemon Land Comm? And if so, are there any of you that are interested in helping me "build" the place, become mods and comods and just.. Help me with this? (I'm basically thinking at least 5 MODS, and a few co mods!) I'm thinking it'd be absolutely fun and all, and there are a few ideas that I'm writing down if there is enough interest. So! Please do tell me what you guys think. Much obliged~
Team Johto Mod (1)
Team Sinnoh Mod (1)
*You don't need experience, just dedication. And AIM. Because this will be the fastest way that I can reach you and how the others will.
** THIS COMMUNITY IS NOT YET OPEN. When it does open, we will get the mod's permission to pimp the place out, so please do not request membership! Thank you for your patience ♥
(And mods, if this isn't um allowed, please feel free to just delete. :x)