Shades of Gray Part 29

Jul 07, 2011 07:44


Future Sight

N was grounded.

Ghetsis didn’t listen to anything he said, not until he got to the part about Reshiram.

That was when he was slapped.

“Foolish boy. If you hadn’t dawdled on with that woman, we might have achieved our goal faster.”

His cheek still stung a bit.

He lay on his bed. He’d forgotten how slow his world was compared to the outside. He glanced up. Model planes hung from his ceiling.

Shion liked planes.

Where was she right now?

Was she taking care of herself?

How was Audino doing?

If she saw how miserable he was right now, would what would she do?

“Don’t worry, N! Everything will be alright!”

Her smile.


A hug.

He scratched his Minccino’s tattered ears. She had curled up on his chest to sleep.

“I felt him. My other half has stirred from slumber.”

The voice was Reshiram’s.

“Zekrom’s awake?” N asked.

“Yes. If only partly.”

“Who woke him?”

“The girl with the cursed fate. The one you saved.”

N sat up quickly. He cradled the sleeping Minccino in his arms, so she would not be disturbed. “Shion actually did it?”

“Yes. It seems my other half is evaluating her.”

“Thank goodness. I wasn’t wrong about her.”

“Wrong about whom, Lord N?” a voice asked.

“Oh, hello Concordia; hello Athena.”

“Lord N has changed since we saw him last,” Athena said. “His mind is filled with thoughts of something precious.”

“Lord N, why are you perplexed?” Concordia asked. She cradled his head in her arms.

“Because I’m worried.”

“About our plan? You needn’t worry about that. You will be wonderful. A true and noble King,” Concordia said.

“Or perhaps something else is on your mind?” Athena asked.

“The little princess, maybe?” Concordia finished.

He felt his face flush.

“Ah, you guessed right!” Athena said.

“It wasn’t that hard. Lord N, we have known you since you were just a boy. You can’t hide anything from us,” Concordia said.

“Or Ghetsis,” Athena added. “He knows you are preoccupied.”

“I just… I want her to be alright. I want to see her again,” N said.

“A human girl?” Concordia said in shock.

“You know what Master Ghetsis says about human women, don’t you, Lord N?” Athena said.

“She’s not a full human. She’s a pokemon’s soul reborn as a human,” N corrected.

“Ah, then perhaps Master Ghetsis will approve of your princess, my dear King,” Concordia said.

“I hope he does. I want Shion to stay with me in my new world.”

“Yes, of course, a King needs a Queen.” Athena paused. “It’s rude to listen in on someone’s personal conversation,”

“Excuse the interruption ladies, but Master Ghetsis requires Lord N’s attendance.”

“Understood,” N said.  He placed Minccino down on his bed before exiting his room. He walked down the long hallway to Ghetisis’s chambers.

“You wanted to see me, sir?” he said as he peeked into the dark room.

“N, I want Reshiram to use Future Sight,” Ghetsis said.


“I want to know if our plan will succeed.”

Could Reshiram even do that?

“Yes sir. Reshiram, come out, please.”

The pokeball opened, but Reshiram simply went back inside.

“What is the meaning of this?” Ghetsis demanded. “Did you catch it or didn’t you?”

“I did, but…” N began.

“I will not serve him in this manner. He has done nothing to prove his worth to me. I only answer to the will of my chosen hero,” Reshiram said.

N repeated the dragon’s words.

“If I wasn’t afraid of angering the dragon, you can bet that your insolence would not be tolerated!” Ghetsis snapped. “Go to your room!”

N walked back down the long hallway into his room and shut the door. He moved Minccino back onto his chest. Her soft breathing soothed his rattled nerves.

“Reshiram. Can I see where Shion is now?”

“Of course. Though it is late, she might be sleeping.”

“That’s alright. If she is, I’ll just watch for a little while.”

Very well.

Shion and Aoi were camped at the base of Victory Road.

She wasn’t really going to climb that big mountain all by herself, was she?

“Please be careful, Shion,” he whispered.

“Goodnight, Aoi. Thanks for the delicious meal! And thanks for showing me how to make it,” Shion said.

“You’re welcome. Sweet dreams, Miss Shion,” Aoi replied.

“Goodnight, Kohaku. Goodnight, Mommy and Daddy. Goodnight, Cheren and Bi. Goodnight, N.”

When had she added his name to that list?

He grinned to himself.

“Goodnight, Shion.”

Reshiram’s vision stopped.

“If you’d like, I can keep an eye on her as you sleep,” Reshiram said.

“Please do. That mountain worries me. If anything happens, please tell me.”

“As you wish.”


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