Sort of embarrassing question...

Apr 20, 2011 02:09

Is anyone else not so great at some of the Dream World minigames? I feel stupid admitting it, because they're obviously made to be simple, but sometimes I fail at them. For example tonight it took me three tries to do the Sky Race, and when I did finally reach the goal it was with literally one second remaining. And the other night I failed at ( Read more... )

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Comments 32

raienn April 20 2011, 09:19:09 UTC
No no, don't worry, you're not the only one. It took me a little while to figure out that the clouds in the flying game wasn't worth dodging if I was going to just hit an electric orb anyway. Don't worry though, I think you'll get the hang of it soon enough! :)


rosehiptea April 20 2011, 09:27:07 UTC
I just have trouble dodging anything because I end up at the edge of the screen and can't see what's coming. I guess I need to back up, but then I'm slowing down.

But hey, at least I'm having a challenge to keep things interesting!

And that is a very amusing icon.


raienn April 20 2011, 09:33:48 UTC
Yeah, I was doing that too! XD I was totally eager to get to the finish line already! But it might be better to back up just so you don't run into unpleasant things. Don't worry about slowing down because those water orbs will cover any speed you think you're losing while you're keeping Pelliper at the middle/left side of the screen! So long as you just his the water ones of course, haha.

lol Yes, challenges keep DW fun I think. Such a cute feature~

Haha, thank you! Silly drunks are silly. And I wasn't going to say anything but I'm also in love with the fact that you used that particular version of Pride and Prejudice in your mood bar thingy. *___*


underredskies April 20 2011, 09:39:09 UTC
The Sky Race I'm actually pretty good at, but I'm so so bad at scooping ice cream. I usually just barely make it to the minimum target line. And the find-the-missing-pokemon one? Well after about 10 failed attempts I've pretty muh given up hope of ever winning it.


rosehiptea April 20 2011, 09:46:32 UTC
I've won the Pokemon finding one a couple of times but I've lost more than I've won. And I've only managed the ice cream once, and that was the first time I did it. I have no idea how to replicate my success. XD


firebrand164 April 20 2011, 09:50:46 UTC
There's a video here that looks really helpful for the ice cream one, although I haven't had a chance to play since I found it.

On the find-the-missing-Pokemon one, if you Listen Carefully, it'll give you a message that indicates how close the Pokemon is. I can't remember the messages off-hand, but if it says you can't hear them, then they're 3 or more screens away.

Try clicking Listen Carefully immediately on the first screen, then if it says you can't hear them, go 3 screens in any direction and then listen again, then repeat until you can hear them. Once you hear them, you know they're nearby in a direction that isn't the one you came from.


eevees April 20 2011, 09:59:24 UTC
It took me a couple tries to get the hang of the find-the-missing-Pokemon one down correctly, but I've found a good strategy that works for me.

When you first start the game, just keep moving around the map - don't stop to listen carefully. Eventually you'll find a sparkling spot on your screen, and if you click that you should find a berry.

The berry not only gives you an extra 5000 bonus points at the end of the game, but the Pokemon you are searching for is also always at least 2 squares away from the berry.

Once you find the berry, on the same screen click the "Listen Carefully" button.
If it says "___ is not far from here!" it means the Pokemon is at least 2 screens away.
If it says "___ is near here!" it means the Pokemon is one screen away.

So go in one direction, and if you don't find the Pokemon go back to the screen where the berry was and pick a different direction to the one you chose the first time.

Hope that helps! :D


firebrand164 April 20 2011, 09:41:25 UTC
I usually finish the Sky Race with about 50 seconds left. I tend to stay roughly in the middle of the screen when not dodging things, get as many water orbs as I can without hitting any electric orbs, and not worry too much about skimming clouds - they're only really an issue if you're flying straight through the middle of one.

How's your computer speed? Mine's usually okay with the Dream World as long as I don't have many other tabs open, but sometimes it decides to go really slow, which makes the games loads harder.

That said, I struggle with the Wailord game (quite often only just getting the target in time), and really suck at the ice cream one. I found a really useful-looking video for the ice cream one here, though I haven't had a chance to try this technique out yet.


rosehiptea April 20 2011, 09:49:23 UTC
My computer speed seems adequate usually but I'm going to try to remember to close some tabs when I'm doing the Dream World.

I usually manage the Wailord game but I'm nothing to write home about at it.

I'll check out the video! And like I said, I'm not really complaining. Eventually I get a Pokemon to befriend, and I really like the chance to get Pokemon without battling them.


eevees April 20 2011, 10:06:05 UTC
I don't play the ice cream one that often, because it costs one berry to play. Yeah I like hoarding my berries like that. |D

The longer that you hold down your mouse button for, the bigger your ice cream scoop will get. So if you have two large ice cream scoops at the bottom, they will create a good foundation for your additional scoops on top.

The berry that you pick at the start of the game also affects what flavour ice creams you are given, and each flavour has different properties. Some are easy to make bigger, and some stick together more easily. So experiment with different berries until you find an ice cream flavour that works for you! :D

Oh, and with the sky race: the course is the same every time you play it, so once you've played the game enough times you'll be able to memorise what the best path to take is. ^^

And as someone above said, if it's a choice between running into an electric orb and running into a cloud, take the cloud. It will still slow you down, but not by as much.


rosehiptea April 20 2011, 10:12:53 UTC
I didn't even realize it was the same course every time. I guess I have to play it more.

I don't blame you for hoarding your berries. I have to admit I miss the ability to grow berries in the main game. In Platinum I ended up with so many Leppa berries...


eevees April 20 2011, 10:17:55 UTC
Hahaha I just don't want to use up a berry and then find that I didn't get a Female DW Pokemon.
Once I grow a lot more berries I'll probably play the ice cream one a bit more. :)

I guess it kinda sucks that you have to rely on the berries that you find within the Dream World for growing. Some of the rarer ones like Liechi, Petaya etc. I'm not even sure if they'll be released in the DW.


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rosehiptea April 20 2011, 10:53:12 UTC
I hate that too!

(And thanks for the tip on the ice cream. I really just want the Pokemon, so that helps.)


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