last night I finished my White walkthrough 1st time round ( yay \o/ ) and went to see the high level areas, which made me ever so happy that I bought those 25 revives and 30 hyper potions for E4. ;_;
Also on a random note: "Really Ditto, you're asleep, you have 1hp, just please be caught? *ultra ball breaks* Grrrr....." And Kyurem was pretty. <3
I'll warn before hand that I'm looking for advice on in-game teams for... *counts* 3 games, because I'm ready to ditch and breed something new if there is a possibility.
Anyway, I usually play the games once through with the pokemon that I catch on the way or in-game trades. It's more challenging and since it's a new story it also taught me to switch around on my party members, which was nice also. =)
So, now I've bred my super-secret-planned-team, transferred with my lovely boyfriend who went to get Black after I showed him an image of Drayden and started my new journey with my pokemon. (Srs bzns gymleader, his beard is growing up his face.) I looked back to my old games and had a O_O; "oops" moment when I looked at what I was going through in them.
I hope I chose the right key words... >_>
Edited title, because I miscounted.
Errol obtained:
So, I'm a fan on "it's super-effective" and possible OHKO things. I'll start off with our old old things of Gen 3. Feel free to skip. =) Basically I'm looking for some advice on these two about how to fill the empty gaps in the "roster".
Bolded stats are "buffed" by nature and (if you can see from the crappy image quality) italics is hindered.
Most of these things will have an imageshack uploaded picture of my Excel statistics because I can't have 27 tabs on my browser 24/7 @_@; and I can't for the life of me remember these things by heart.
I'm not that far in the game, but I like to prepare to having pokeballs when I get to the area where I can get what I need. (RNG hates me...) I'm heading to SS.Anne I think and then to the Electric Gym, which is why I've gone and caught a Diglett.
I dunno if I'll use the Eevee from the game or not. And if I do, what to evolve it into. =/
In this game I'm surprisingly far because I usually give up at 5th gym nowadays. ...>_> Now I'm past it \o/ Wohoo~ I normally pick Treecko as a starter, but now as I'm this far in the game, I don't want to go and start all over. =( So I revised my team and noted that I'm missing something for the last gyms and E4.
And finally... my White. =) The image is a little bigger just for comparison. Top row is my old pokemon (who now safely reside in my re-run box1. Those surrounded by lines are the E4 team. I never went to re-challenge them, because I wanted to do it differently. There's also the "weak" to remind me which pokemon not to mess with because I adore dualtypes... >_>
So, I'm in Nimbasa City, going to have a ferris wheel ride with N. *fangirls* And after that hopefully not get my ass handed to me by a pair of Emolgas. *angry fist shake* But... I'm set on benching the starters. Even though I did breed lots of Oshawott to get mine to this re-run. Also I'm planning to use a Tynamo, even if it's a PITA to level up. =) The only one that I'm not sure is... Scraggy. Even though my Zuru from old game one-shot crunched down 2/4 of the Elites. I'm just unsure to have two part Dark and two part Steel types eventually in my group. Also I guess a ground or Rock type wouldn't hurt much there. I haven't yet fetched my fossil either. =)
Any ideas?