Mar 16, 2011 14:12
For reasons I don't entirely understand, the regular GTS let me look for Eevee, though I haven't seen one in the game as I'm not to the point where I can see previous gens (or transfer Pokemon). And one kind person only wanted an Archen, so I got the Eevee.
So anyway, if you're missing having an Eevee, I have a bunch of eggs I'm giving away. And if I run out I can always breed more. Fodder is fine, just send me whatever you want.
ETA: Unfortunately I'm having some trouble with trading... and it's not just me either, judging by the post in this comm about it. I don't mind trying for a while if you have the time.
Celes 1549 4525 6324
Status: Offline, back tomorrow. (Can't be back tonight after all, sorry -- but feel free to PM me to set up a time to get an egg.)