First-time poster...Hope a giveaway as a first post is OK...>_<"
I already posted this at
pokewifi , but I'm currently trying to get a shiny Pokabu (aka Tepig) via Masuda Method, which left me with currently...dunno how many boxes of these little piglets already, but already more than 15 boxes. So, I'm doing a giveaway of these Pokabu.
As I'm fully aware that people don't get the game yet, since they're waiting for the US version to come, like in
pokewifi community, I WILL TAKE RESERVATION EVEN FROM THOSE WHO'RE STILL WAITING FOR THE US VERSION OF THE GAME. Certainly, if you already have BW, we can organize the trade sometimes, but if you don't have BW yet, either still waiting for it to be shipped or waiting for the US version to be released, I'm willing to keep anything you asked me to reserve (both in this Pokabu trade/giveaway and the other trade/giveaway I have as well) for you until maybe 1-2 months after the US game is released. Fair enough? -_-"
All the Pokabu:
1) are Lv. 1 legit UT, bred by me.
2) have perfect IV for attack (and maybe 1-2 others, as given in parenthesis)
3) have moveset: Tackle, Flamethrower, Nitro Charge and Strength, but if there's any other TM or HM moves learnable by these Pokabu that you want, I can teach them prior to the trade for you...
4) can have Pokerus infected if requested.
5) are nicknamable to English, providing that the name is 5 letters or less.
I'll take fodder for any of these Pokabu except ones with 3 perfect IV stats, which I'll want something in my wishlist in return. If you want to reserve any of these, please state which gender, which nature and with what perfect IV stat(s) you want, even if you don't care about any of these (If you don't care, say you don't care, please. Don't let me guess what you want...-.-").
Hardy (HP) x4
Bashful (HP) x3
Adamant (HP) x2 x3 (reserved for
labyrinth1n3 )
Impish (HP) x3
Docile (HP) x2
Calm (HP) x2
Timid (HP) x1 x2 (reserved for
emxchan )
Mild (HP) x4
Sassy (HP) x7
Jolly (HP) x1 x2 x3 (reserved for
thegutterati and
que_tu_madre17 )
Hasty (HP) x3
Brave (HP) x3
Modest (HP)
Relaxed (HP) x2
Bold (HP)
Rash (HP)
Gentle (HP)
Quirky (HP)
Lax (HP) x3
Quiet (HP)
Serious (HP)
Naive (HP) x2
Naughty (HP) x3
Naive (Def) x2
Naughty (Def) x3
Relaxed (Def) x2
Calm (Def) x2 x3 (reserved for
surmise )
Timid (Def) x3
Quirky (Def) x2
Gentle (Def) x2
Hasty (Def) x4
Serious (Def) x2
Brave (Def) x6
Careful (Def) x5
Lonely (Def) x3
Hardy (Def) x2
Rash (Def) x2
Sassy (Def) x4
Mild (Def)
Bold (Def) x3
Quiet (Def) x2
Jolly (Def) x2
Timid (Def)
Bashful (Def)
Lax (Def)
Adamant (Def)
Modest (Def) x4
Docile (Def) x2
Naive (SpA)
Docile (SpA)
Mild (Spd)
Jolly (HP, Def) x2
Bashful (HP, Def)
Relaxed (HP, Def)
Naive (HP, Def)
Sassy (HP, Def) x2
Quiet (HP, Def)
Lax (HP, Def)
Timid (HP, Def)
Modest (HP, SpA)
Bashful (HP, SpD)
Adamant (HP, SpD)
Bold (HP, Spd)
Relaxed (HP, Spd)
Mild (Def, SpD)
Careful (Def, SpD)
Naive (Def, Spd)
Gentle (Def, Spd)
Hardy (SpA, Spd)
Serious (SpD, Spd)
Hardy x2
Bold x4
Adamant (reserved for
insomiac_writer )
Calm x2
Rash x3
Quirky x3
Serious x2
Lonely x2
Mild (HP) (reserved for
poisontea )
Quirky (HP)
Docile (HP)
Impish (HP)
Hardy (HP)
Lax (HP)
Gentle (HP)
Serious (HP)
Adamant (Def) (reserved for
thegutterati )
Hardy (Def)
Brave (Def)
Mild (Def)
Bold (Def)
Naughty (Def)
Jolly (Def) (reserved for
ledgem )
Bold (HP, Def)
Docile (Def, SpA)
More will be added daily, until I get my shiny. Likewise, I'll start releasing the Pokabu if I have more than 2 with same nature and perfect IV stat, since I only have 1 box left for breeding now.
For those who're interested in the ones for trading (Pokabu with 3 perfect IV stats),
here is my wishlist. You can also see what other trade/giveaway I have (though most of them are in
pokewifi and I won't going to put them'd be a bit too much...-.-")
White FC: 0518 2942 0809
Available during evening of GMT+7