Lots of things!

Aug 27, 2010 23:15

Hey all.

I’m not sure if any of you remember me, but I used to be active-ish in the community earlier this year. After March, I took sort of an unintended and unannounced hiatus from pokemon. Why? Because my pokemon Diamond and Platinum were both stolen (as far as I can tell anyway), both of which I’d been working on for years. I lost everything, and was left with only my little SoulSilver file, which I hadn’t played all that much.

As you guys can probably imagine, I was heartbroken, so I just stopped playing. Thought I’d never pick it back up. Now though, I’m going to give it another shot (mostly due to a friend of mine challenging me to a battle at the end of next month). I’m training! I’m working hard! But I could really use some help.

I don’t have a whole lot of things to give back- baby Natu, Skarmory, and Absol (and fodder, of course- but high level fodder? X_X) mostly, but if any of you lovely trainers could help me out, I’d really appreciate it. I'll only be on the wifi tonight through tomorrow morning, and then I can get back on on Sunday overnight as well (and probably into the week- it depends on my work schedule).

Pokerus- does this count as an item? Regardless, I'd looove it if someone could throw me something with pokerus. Fodder with it is fine. Thank you fukamaru!
Evolutionary stones- I need pretty much everything but sunstones and leaf stones
Lucky egg- BEST TRAINING TOOL EVER. Thank you fukamaru!
Heart scales
Master balls- had 6 on my other games that I saved from previous playthroughs. Sort of a long shot, but hey- if anyone has an extra one or two, it would be awesome.
Metal Coat

Ditto- LOTS OF THEM. Thanks to cynicalsnark, I now have Naive, Modest, Impish, Jolly and Timid- I also have Sassy and Bold. The only other one I deeesperately need is Adamant (since mine is Japanese which apparently doesn't pass nature down) thank you, aruslym! Any other stat enhancing nature you have extra would be most appreciated &hearts
Gible- thank youuuuu cynicalsnark!
Sinnoh starters
Scyther Thank you fukamaru! &hearts

Questions: I’m having breeding troubles. Do everstones work the same way in nature passing down? Because I bred about 15 absol from an adamant ditto holding an everstone and a male, bold absol, and none of them were adamant, while... three of them were bold? The same thing happened when I tried to breed skarmory and spinerak- absolutely none were the nature I had intended. Answered! My Adamant Ditto is Japanese, which apparently doesn't work with the everstone trick XD

Fun stuff: At anime evolution, I cosplayed Elite Four Will, from pokemon HGSS! If you’re interested, you can find pics on my coscom here

Battle: My friend loaned me a team for a 6 on 6 single battle, and I’d like to maybe test it out against someone before I battle with it in a few days- it’s a monotype team (psychic, with mostly dual-types) team, so I’d appreciate a monotype back, but it doesn’t have to be!

Friend code: Zander; 2880 2205 1934

Anyway, thanks for all the help, guys <3 I really appreciate it.

battling, trading, question, cosplay, trade

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