Aug 16, 2010 17:34
I looked to be sure and asking for a hacked pokémon doesn't seem to be illegal here. I hope. I'm not asking for a hacked for competitive play. I don't do that.
So here's what I'm asking: If anyone here knows how to hack pokémon, are you willing to hack a female Mild Pikachu with surf? I'd ask for a legit one, but I don't really have much to offer by way of legendaries that anyone would want and I know finding a legit one in Yellow Forest is a bitch and a half. I missed out on getting Yellow Forest, so if I had that, I'd look for one myself.
Actually, I take that back. I am willing to trade my lvl. 1 Dialga (i can get one more for myself, so i can at least trade the one) if anyone wasn't able to get an event Arceus for a legit Mild Surfing Pikachu, but that's ONLY for a legit one. And so long as no one cares if it's a Serious nature one (i think that's what it is. it's not an enhancing nature anyway).
If no one can or just doesn't want to, I can understand that. Especially since I don't really have much to offer. And I don't know how hard it is to do that kind of stuff as I've never done that before. :/
Anywho, that's what I'm asking. I'll post my name and friend code only IF anyone wants to do this.
Thanks in advance which ever way this goes. and IF this is a go, I'd like it nicknamed Fulgora. :S
Thank you guys for suggestions and even offering to hack one if I couldn't do it myself. I went ahead a built a team around a normal pikachu. But thank you guys anyway.