Plushie commissions - limited time LOWER prices!

Nov 22, 2009 10:50

In the US, we have a couple of major days coming up. One of those is Thanksgiving, a time to eat good food and get to be with family.

The day after is a scary, scary day called (aptly) Black Friday. This is a day when there are sales on EVERYTHING. Including the materials I use to make my custom plushies! So in honor of this, I'm offering (very) limited time lowered commission prices!

To get these prices, you MUST at least pay me materials (half of the plushie cost) before 12:00PM on November 25th (next Wednesday). This is so I can buy the materials for your plushie at the sale prices on the 27th!

TL;DR VERSION: (longer, more detailed version here)
  • paypal only!
  • all plushies will be made of primarily fleece!
  • prices vary because custom plushies = custom prices
  • shipping will vary, I'll give you a quote if you give me a country/zip code (US)
  • I will accept trades! I'm only collecting Articuno, though
  • Examples of everything: here
  • Estimated prices do NOT include shipping
Here's what I make:
  • Pokédoll Style plushies: 5-20" plushies of the Pokémon in a slightly chibi/SD style
    • 7-8 inch (18 to 20 cm) plush :: $13-$16
    • Examples, including other commissions for members of this comm and pkmncollectors
  • Onigiri: plush shaped like Japanese rice balls, but with Pokémon coloration and features
    • 5 inch (13 cm) Onigiri ($3) - other sizes available!
    • Examples
  • 3. UFO Catcher Human(oid) plushies: human characters turned into plush
    • 10-12 inches (25 to 30 cm) ONLY at this time: $20 base priceVery outdated examples - my technique has improved since, though!


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