I have a lot of bred Phione along with a few Fossil Pokemon that I'm giving away. Anyone interested?
-These are all legit because I bred them or dug them up.
-They're all nicknamable so if you want me to name them let me know
-If I'm offline leave a comment and I'll go in that order
-Okay due to my usb connector not working and my dorm not having compatible wi fi I can only get wi fi if i go out to a cafe or the Apple shop. So for trading leave a comment and state what is your current time when you post it and when you are available (because I suck with time zones....) I'll let you know when I am free to go out and trade so it's kind of like making a trading appointment with me.
-In return because I don't have any of the GBA games with me at the moment or I can't find them in the wild, I'm looking for Caterpie, Ekans, Paras, Drowzee, Staryu, Mewtwo, Mew, Seedot, Phanpy, Larvitar, Teddiursa, Pineco, Huntail, Gorybyss (or clampearl holding a Deep Sea Scale/Tooth), Latias, Groudon, Jirachi
-I also love Eevees (hint hint) ;D
-But of course fodder is perfectly fine. I love getting Pokemon from other trainers. ^_^
Naughty nature/Very finicky/Hydration
Lonely nature/Quick tempered/Hydration
Modest nature/Thoroughly cunning/Hyrdration
Rash nature/Likes to relax/Hydration
Adamant nature/Scatters things often/Hydration
Bold nature/Strongly Defiant/Hyrdation
Serious nature/Sturdy body/Hyrdation
Docile nature/Sturdy body/Hydration
Male/Timid/Very finicky/Sturdy
Male/Quiet/Likes to fight/Sturdy
Male/Naive/Highly curious/Sturdy
Male/Quirky/Proud of its power/Sturdy
Male/Hasty/Sturdy body/Sturdy
Male/Lax/Often dozes off/Sturdy
Male/Rash/Quick to flee/Sturdy
Male/Serious/Likes to fight/Battle Armor
Male/Hasty/Capable of taking hits/Swift Swim
Male/Hardy/Somewhat of a clown/Battle Armor
Male/Impish/often scatters things/suction cups
Male/Impish/proud of its power/suction cups
Male/Careful/proud of its power/suction cups
Friend Code
HIKARI : 2407 4209 8307
STATUS: OFFLINE (read the info under the cut!)