Well, my sis and I went early to get our Shaymin. :D There was NOBODY at TRU for the event. o_O Hopefully, people will catch on soon.
At the event, they were giving away posters advertising the new Pokemon movie. Here's a pic:
Sorry for the ishty quality. I was lazy and took the pic with my Mac cam. The size of the poster is pretty decent.
Anyway, I snatched up three extra posters in case some of you were interested. ^^ These are only for people who cannot attend the event. I was thinking $2 per poster? *shrugs* I really don't know. I will probably pick up more when I go with Kaygee to get his Shaymin. So, ask away. :D
EDIT: All three extra posters have been taken! You may request one and I'll see if I can get them the next time I go to TRU.
And to make sure this post is not completely dull, I would like to ask all of you who got their Shaymin what it's nature and food preference is. Mine is timid and loves sweet food. ^_^ Makes sense for the little hedgehog.
x-posted at