Tom's Teams: Mono-Infernape Team

Nov 17, 2008 15:34

Alright, welcome to an on-time edition of Tom's Teams. First up, for the lad who asked if I take requests in last week's entry, yes, I do. If you have an idea, just post one in the comments and I'll take it into account.

Alright, this week, we're coming back to you with another mono-Pokémon team. This week's critter featured will be the ubiquitous Infernape. Fire-starters are always popular with the RPG crowd, but Infernape has garnered a lot of attention in the competitive battling community for its attacking versatility. Many people regard it as the best starter out there. Of course, I'm partial to Venusaur, but you can't deny objective evidence. Infernape's a damn good choice for any team. Now, without further ado...

Infernape @ Focus Sash

Jolly Nature, 252 EVs in Atk and Spd, 4 in HP
- Fake Out
- Taunt
- Stealth Rock
- Mach Punch

Nobody expects the anti-lead support 'Ape. NOBODY! A far cry from what 'Ape seems natural to use, this support set helps ruin plenty of other leads. Fake Out nullifies other Focus Sashes, and the speed at which Infernape runs at makes it hard for other Fake Out users to outrun it. Weavile is one you have to be wary of though. Taunt on the next turn prevents a set up, while Stealth Rock allows you to set up an entry hazard of your own. Mach Punch is there just because you don't want the recoil from Flare Blitz, and the priority makes it a little more attractive on this set than on Close Combat, especially if you want to get the guaranteed damage in before you inevitably faint.

Infernape @ Life Orb

Naive Nature, 252 EVs in SpAtk, 232 in Spd and 24 in Atk
- Flamethrower/Fire Blast
- Close Combat
- Nasty Plot/Grass Knot/Hidden Power [ICE]
- Nasty Plot/Grass Knot/Hidden Power [ICE]

Ah yes, Mixape, perhaps the most popular iteration on this starter, the "ultimate wall breaker," if you will. This set is cribbed directly from Smogon. Usually, I don't like taking their sets verbatim, but this one works, and really, what's an all-Infernape team without this one?

Infernape @ Muscle Band/Expert Belt/Life Orb

Jolly Nature, 252 EVs in Atk and Spd, 4 in HP
- Swords Dance
- Flare Blitz/Fire Punch
- Close Combat
- Thunderpunch

Infernape is one lucky monkey. It's one of six critters that has access to both Swords Dance and Nasty Plot, and it's arguably the one critter outside of Mew and perhaps Shiftry that can make the best use of it. This set makes use of the unbridled physical power that 'Ape can wield. Bring in this set on a critter that can't do anything to it. SD on the switch and then attack away with double STAB and Thunderpunch for anything that you need it for. A Swords Dance can negate an Intimidate and still leave enough boost leftover to pummel hard. Your Fire move of choice is whether you want to deal with recoil or not on just one move. On that note, only use Life Orb if you're doing Fire Punch in that slot.

Infernape @ Life Orb/Wise Glasses

Timid Nature, 252 EVs in SpAtk and Spd, 4 in HP
- Nasty Plot
- Flamethrower
- Vacuum Wave/Focus Blast/Hidden Power [ICE]/Grass Knot
- Vacuum Wave/Focus Blast/Hidden Power [ICE]/Grass Knot

Special Ape doesn't have a whole lot to play around with in terms of movepool, but it can make do with the moves it does get. Nasty Plot and Flamethrower are your staples, and since there's no SpAtk lowering ability, you can rest easy going with the more accurate Flamethrower over Fire Blast. Your last two moves can come from a pool of four moves that I think could work. Personally, I'd go with Grass Knot and Vacuum Wave, just because I like priority and GK works against a lot of slower threats that can come in on it, but Focus Blast an HP Ice are options as well.

Infernape @ Leftovers

Impish Nature, 252 EVs in Def, 232 in HP and 20 in Atk
- Bulk Up
- Slack Off
- Will-o-Wisp
- Brick Break/Fire Punch

Yeah, if no one expects the first 'Ape set in this list, then a negative number of people are expecting this one. BulkApe isn't considered a lot because its defenses aren't as good as people would like. It gets a slightly unfair rap though, because it gets access to a lot of good support moves. For one, the fact that it gets Slack Off totally kicks ass. SO is a great recovery move. Bulk Up and Will-o-Wisp will increase your physical survivability a lot if you can get a groove working. Your attacking move is a matter of preference. Brick Break will help break down Screens, but it will get you walled by Ghosts. Fire Punch really doesn't do anything that Will-o-Wisp doesn't in the support department, but it's a sure thing against everything except Flash Fire critters.

Infernape@ Choice Scarf

Jolly Nature, 252 EVs in Atk, 156 in Spd and 100 in HP
Timid Nature, 252 EVs in SpAtk, 156 in Spd and 100 in HP
- Flare Blitz/Flamethrower
- Close Combat/Focus Blast
- Thunderpunch/Grass Knot or HP Ice
- Mach Punch/Vacuum Wave

With this set up, you outspeed a lot. In fact, you outspeed everything on Smogon's speed tier list except for Scarfed Neutral Speed Natured Aerodactyl and Weavile. Everything else, according to their research and stuff, isn't all that common. The schizoid set up here is because this set can either work physically or specially. The first three attacks are self explanatory on both sets, but you double up on Fighting STAB mainly because of Weavile. If you encounter a Scarfed Weavile on a revenge kill, you can outspeed it and probably take it out in one shot. Even if it uses Ice Shard... what's Ice Shard going to do to you, even you of poor defenses? This could be your ultimate ace in the hole.

That's it for this week. As always, all comments, criticisms, questions and requests are not only welcomed but encouraged.

pokemon: i

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