Tom's Team: Team Halloween!

Oct 27, 2008 19:15

You know, I almost didn't post this today because I'm so nerve-wracked over my Phightin' Phils in the World Series. However, not rain nor sleet nor snow nor potentially historic sporting events will keep me from my post! Of course, baseball isn't the only order of the week. American elections are coming up, but if I did a theme team for that, then I'd be nothing but Weezings, Muks and Swalots. Not very interesting if you ask me. The other big thing this week is Halloween, where costumes, candy and horror are given center stage. So without further ado...

Alakazam @ Choice Band

Timid Nature, 252 EVs in SpAtk and Spd, 4 in HP
Ability: Inner Focus
- Trick
- Shadow Ball
- Focus Blast
- Calm Mind

Trick or treat! 'Zam certainly isn't going to be treating anyone here after it tricks Choice Band onto an unsuspecting suicide lead. Of course, this is a bit of trick-or-treat for you as well, seeing as you never know what's going to be coming in to face you to start. If it's a critter with a Focus Sash, hey, you may just have gotten a free shot in after taking a bad hit. If it's something with Leftovers, rare as it is, well, no harm, no foul. 'Zam's not exactly bulky enough to take advantage of them, but hey, it's better than, say, Black Sludge or a Lagging Tail. If it's another Choice-Tricker... well, at least you get one shot with another move before you get out of there. If it's a Physical attacker and you don't switch, you're kinda fucked unless they have Focus Sash. If your Trick works, then you can Calm Mind on the switch and get a free attack boost. No STAB? No problem! Ghost/Fighting hits everything in the game at least neutrally, even that pesky Shedinja. Inner Focus here so that your strategy isn't completely ruined by Fake Out leads.

Crobat @ Black Sludge

Modest Nature, 252 EVs in SpAtk, 100 in HP, 96 in Spd and 60 in SpDef
- Nasty Plot
- Giga Drain
- Air Slash
- Dark Pulse

Ah ah ah, Crobat vants to suck your blood, ah ah ah. Shame there isn't a STABed option here for drainage, but Giga Drain works with the flavor of the set. Air Slash is for some nice STAB, while Dark Pulse is to work against the neutral-Spd natured Gengars you're outspeeding. The EV spread may look odd, but it gets Crobat to that aforementioned speed plateau while allowing it some extra bulk.

Weavile @ Focus Sash

Jolly Nature, 252 EVs in Atk and Spd, 4 in HP
- Swords Dance
- Ice Shard
- Night Slash
- Aerial Ace

SLASHY SLASHY! It's Freddy Krue... no wait, it's only Weavile. Not scary to teenagers at camp, but very frightening to opposing trainers who think they can score the quick OHKO on Weavs as it sets up. Well, that ain't happening as long as you're not packing a priority move or something like Deoxys-S or Aerodactyl. Even then, STAB, priority Ice Shard can make many a critter shit their pants, and the last time I checked, 'Dactyl doesn't learn a priority move and the "standard" Emerald Deoxys doesn't carry one either. Score one for you. Night Slash over Pursuit because Weavile is a slasher, baby! A boosted Aerial Ace will give even bulky fighters reason to pause, although it should be noted that Bullet Punch and Mach Punch are very common. Even if you think your opposing Fighting-type is carrying one of those moves, high tail it out of there and let Crobat eat the 1/4x effective Mach Punch.

Miltank @ Leftovers

Careful Nature, 212 EVs in HP, 208 in SpDef, 72 in Atk and 16 in Def
Ability: Scrappy
- Body Slam
- Fire Punch
- Milk Drink
- Heal Bell

There are no candy-themed Pokémon in the game, but milk is an important ingredient for most chocolate given out, so Miltank gets a spot on this team as the tanky cleric. Although Thick Fat would be better for going all wall and stuff, the allure of gaining STAB potential paralysis on Ghosts is too tempting to pass up. Besides, Milk Drink and Heal Bell, plus that EV spread, gives you good tanking power to start with. ThunderPunch would be a better option if it weren't for all the freaking Rock/Grounds out there, so you're stuck with having to get less coverage on Rocks to get Super-Effective on Steels.

Dusknoir @ Leftovers

Adamant Nature, 228 EVs in HP, 200 in Atk and 40 in Def and SpDef
- Pain Split
- Shadow Sneak
- Fire Punch
- ThunderPunch

What's a Halloween-themed team without a Ghost? Dusknoir's sufficiently spooky enough, and like a good Ghost, it'll stick around to haunt for a good long time with that moveset.

Shiftry @ Life Orb

Hasty Nature, 252 EVs in Spd, 168 in SpAtk and 88 in Atk
- Fake Out
- Leaf Storm
- Explosion
- Toxic

So, you can't discuss Halloween without discussing the night before. Sure, Shiftry doesn't learn Egg Bomb, and there's no TP attack, but as the Tengu-related critter, mischief is its game. Fake Out ruins Sashes and gets in free damage. Leaf Storm is for high-powered STAB, while Toxic helps with wreaking havoc on the other team. When it looks like it's all done, use Explosion and pretend you're leaving egg yolk all over the place :p

Well, there it is. As always, any questions, comments, criticisms, complaints and Secret Santa propositions are not only welcomed, but encouraged.

pokemon: m, pokemon: c, pokemon: d, pokemon: s, pokemon: w, pokemon: a

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