Tom's Teams: The NU Team!

Aug 25, 2008 08:17

Alrighty, time to post the second battle-tested team in the history of Tom's Teams (the first being the Normal Monotype), and for the first time, it's a team that's actually won a few matches! (2-4 record in pokewifitourney NU Tourney play). It's the Never-Used Tier team. Poor NU, Pokémon so neglected by the competitive public that even the UU scorns them and shuns them to disuse. It's a shame, because there are some pretty neat critters in this tier, ones that are near and dear to my heart, actually. Why are they in this tier? Bad stats, bad typings, small movepools, awful SR weaknesses... yeah they're there for a reason, but still, they're fun to battle with. I know from experience!

Without further ado...

Magcargo @ Focus Sash

Bold Nature, 252 EVs in HP and Def
- Stealth Rock
- Light Screen
- Reflect
- Lava Plume

Yeah, as I found out, this guy is definitely Taunt-bait, but if you don't face that move in your opponent's lead, then you can set up and put your team in a great position to win. Stealth Rocks are almost a must in this tier, since the only Rapid Spinner allowed is 4x weak to Rock (Delibird!). Magcargo gets Light Screen and Reflect, so make use of them for some staying power. Lava Plume's high BRN rate can come in handy. Coupled with Maggy's Flame Body Ability, physical attackers have much to fear from this slimy fireball.

Venomoth @ Choice Specs

Timid Nature, 252 EVs in SpAtk and Spd
- Bug Buzz
- Energy Ball
- Psychic
- Sludge Bomb

This bug should have Tinted Lens as an Ability just to power up the NVE moves and make even those formidable to the NU competition. As you can see, a pretty good type coverage in attacks that's still walled by Steels. Fortunately, the only Steel-type in NU is Mawile, so you can feel pretty good about trotting out Venomoth in hopes of getting a revenge kill and then some fragging afterwards. I've found that this critter's really good to deal with the several Water-types in NU, especially Whiscash and Bibarel. Just beware other Venomoths with Specs, since I've found in my travels that this set is independently popular and not exactly an original creation of mine...

Girafarig @ Focus Sash

Modest Nature, 252 EVs in SpAtk and Spd
- Agility
- Baton Pass
- Psychic
- Shadow Ball

You've seen this guy before, and what a coinkydink, on the other battle-tested team. It serves a similar purpose here, although I never got the chance to pass Agilities to anyone. Girafarig was used mostly as an attacker, and its stats translate well to that role in the tier.

Mightyena @ Life Orb

Impish Nature, 252 EVs in Atk and Def
- Sucker Punch
- Fire Fang
- Taunt
- Substitute

Classic Sub-Puncher v. 2.0, with Taunt as extra-Sucker Punch inducing insurance. Mightyena can pack a punch with its respectable base 90 Atk. Fire Fang is more of an insurance move against Steels should this critter move up a tier, but it still functions as a solid secondary attack with all the flying Bugs fluttering around in this tier.

Arbok @ Leftovers

Jolly Nature, 252 EVs in SpDef and Spd, Shed Skin preferred Ability
- Ice Fang
- Gastro Acid
- Haze
- Glare

For NU use, maybe Ice Fang isn't the best attack since there aren't any Dragons and barely any Grounds that don't have a back-up type. However, your main function with this Arbok isn't to attack. Basically, it's to remove buffs and Abilities and cripple your opposing team with non-resisted paralysis. In other tiers, Arbok doesn't have the defenses or speed to be able to Haze, but here, it can, and it can do the job well.

Wigglytuff @ Chesto Berry

Brave Nature, 252 EVs in HP and Atk
- Rest
- Gyro Ball
- Brick Break
- Body Slam

After consideration, I don't think Gyro Ball was all that great a choice for this set. Maybe sub that move out for Substitute or another physical attack. However, the other attacks are really great for the big puff-ball. Body Slam with STAB behind it is a potent attack with a great side effect. Brick Break is good for all those Normal types in NU play. ChestoRest for Wigglytuff because of his massive HP.

Before I cut out, I'd just like to say, that starting this week, Tom's Teams will be cross-posted to pimp_my_team as well. I'm not taking away from this community, but this is something that would be great for the new community as well. I don't want to turn this into an entire shill for my new project, but so far, we've got some good activity going for a community in its early stages, so check it out :)

As always, all thoughts, questions, criticisms, cosplays etc. are not only welcomed, but encouraged.

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